How much is an average 9th grade girl supposed to weigh?


girls this is personal but i stipulation your minister to!?

depends on your rise

I Have Only One Boob My Other Is Not Growing I Soke To My Mum & Friends About It They Said It's Normal Is It.?

It's impossible to speak lacking age and loftiness


It depends on elevation, not age.

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White stuff in pant?

not much more than 120

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There is no average for man surrounded by 9th order, it adjectives depends on your point and age. You can other ask your Dr.

Inner ear infection?

probally around 130 or 140

No Period!?

Depending on your echelon and age...any where on earth from 100-115 pounds. When I be within 9th status I weigh 102 pounds and I be 15 and 5'1

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This have more to do next to your height above sea level and bone structure. There is no average shipment for age. Everyone is different. :)

Does any other woman gain this during their cycle?

I really don't know but all the average girls i know are between 100 -120 lbs so yeah around at hand i am guessing

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It depends on your distance from the ground! Also remember muscle weigh more than heavy!

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Your counterweight is contingent upon your largeness and build. Access the connect below, type surrounded by your plane and counterweight to subtract your BMI (body mass index). Then, compare your BMI to the go up on the gone of the page and it will report you whether you are underweight, mundane mass, overweight, or obese.

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Unfortunately, within is no “average” because in that are so several variables. It depends on stage, body type, and conditioning. A gaunt kid and a conditioned kid may look duplicate and wear like clothes, but muscle weigh so much more than flab. The child could also be “big boned” or “fine boned”, which would influence their freight.

If u r an experienced woman individual please!?

Supposedly you should gain 5lbs/2.27kg for every inch you grow after 5' or 1.5m

That would put you on the lower counterbalance side. Give another 10lbs/5kg for the total reach.

Just a put somebody through the mill.?

i cant inform you minus loftiness, age and bone that sounds really abnormal. but, if you are approaching everybody else i know, next you should weigh around 105 to 120

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DO NOT WORRY something like how much you weigh. it depends on ur hieght anyways ok? in a minute how old-fashioned u are

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Search online for a BMI calculator, at hand is one for children and teens. It will transmit you if you are a well cargo base on age, plane, and masculinity.
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