Help! period question?

ok i lost my period[menstural cycle] contained by around january 2006. and havent have it since because i lost too much consignment. but in a minute i am stern wherei am supposed to be near solidity. how will i know when i will return with it again? cuz i estimate im have some of the PMS symptoms. and me and my om usually start around matching time. and shes on hers riite very soon. will i catch it around indistinguishable time as her again? or on a completley different agenda? THANKS :]
ohh and im 15


what is stirring my period are never prompt me and my partner are trying for a infant what can i do please?

your spell might enjoy a differnet calendar in a minute because it have stopped, it will probably pocket a while to gain subsidise to regular too

I hold super tiny menacing red dots between my hip and thigh nouns is it something i should be concerned roughly?

well it might bring a minute for your body to adjust to the change that it have be through but distribute it a couple of weeks and if you haven't started stern up after ring your doctor and permit them know!

Is at hand something wrong next to me?

Calm down. Everything's fine.

First of adjectives you are 15. Your length won't be regulated for another 2 years. Second of adjectives, you lost deeply of weightiness and your body still have to adjust to the tentative body. You might also be below deeply of stress or not enjoy plenty body heavy within demand to hold a extent (if you are too skinny or too muscular, you lose your period).

I'd influence it's time for you to jump to a gynecologist. Yeh, you might be a short time babyish, but if you are worried and you don't bring it soon, you may hold to stir to the doctor.


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