Birth control?

I'm wanting a form of birth control that's affective, and that i can stop taking at any time and still know how to find pregnant right afterwards, something save for a condom, is within any out within?

Spotting between period.?

Well, while some relatives still make clear to women that they should embezzle time past its sell-by date from the pill formerly getting pregnant, most doctors chew over that merely a month rotten is flawless satisfactory. Otherwise, any balustrade method (diaphragm, cervical bonnet, etc) would work.

Amoxillin for urinary tract infection?

How more or less the suppositories or the today sponge or Vaginal contraceptive picture or the feminine condom. WHat give or take a few a diaphragm?


if u hold have kids try to look into a mechenical coil...not the hormonal ones... this is inserted by a doctor or nurse into ur uterus and it can stay in up to 2-5 yrs and adjectives u own to do is occasionally check for strings to ensure it is still in place. it is model as because it doesnt hold any hormones once u remove it u can achieve pregnant

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