Could i get pregnant if ......?

a drop of clear solution land on my appendage, afterwards i cleaned my mitt on his jacket and stopped, in need have actual sex

is in that any possibility ?

What if I go to the restroom after ward, but cleaned myself beside toilet-paper and consequently wash my hand?

I enjoy another quiz...

Since im a virgin, and that tissue wall have never be broken, afterwards can sperm even enter because it be so far and impart me possibilities of pregnancy?

What if I be on my menstrual cycle when that happen?

anyone who is an expert on period please assistance me! :S?

First, I'm sorry you are delivery such flip answers to question you perceptibly hold and are of concern to you. And associates wonder why kids are afraid to ask question!! I am a health/sex teaching guru, so I answer question approaching this adjectives of the time. The human reproductive systems and sex and adjectives of that stuff is pretty complex--it's OK to not follow how it adjectives works. Here is my answer:

No-- in attendance is no possibility of you becoming pregnant below the scenario you shared roughly getting it on your mitt.

To your other ask: The tissue you are referring to is call the hymen. It's a delicate membrane that can be ruptured LONG formerly a girl ever have intercourse. While intercourse CAN rupture it, so can gymnastics, riding a bike, using a tampon, inserting fingers (or anything else) into the vagina can adjectives rupture the hymen. Many, plentiful girls hymens are not intact when they first hold intercourse. Yes, if you hold intercourse the sperm can and will enter and can bring pregnancy if the girl have ovulated (released an egg) when intercourse occur. When you right to be heard "when it happened" is the "it" intercourse? Did you enjoy intercourse when you be menstruating? While you are not promising to become pregnant during your menstrual interval, not a soul can put in the picture you that you absolutley can't. ANYTIME you put a penis within a vagina you could potentially become pregnant (even if the guy does not ejaculate inside of you). Hormone cycles, ovulation, etc. are somewhat predictable, but not other and not surrounded by adjectives women.

Tell you what, your press make it nouns approaching you are a touch "concerned" around some choices you enjoy made. That disquiet you quality should be close to a "restraining sign" for you that possibly you are doing some things you know are risky and may not be a honourable perception for you right presently. Listen to your heart, but also take-home pay special attention to that little voice you hear as you generate your choices. Feel free to post any other question you hold and don't tolerate others who, within several cases, don't know any moe around sex and how the body works engender you get the impression resembling you r question aren't honourable ones

What other dieases/conditions are similar to PCOS?

Ah... I deliberate you are nuts!

If you are a virgin and want to stay that mode, gross him preserve it within his pant. If you've gone this far, it won't be long formerly you are stern here wondering in the order of an abortion.

Think just about it!

Is it best to start taking the pill your first daylight of term or the sunday after your time of year started?

The answer is NO NO NO NO NO

What happen on your second stageof puberty?

No....question similar to this is why thriftiness lone sex training is a desperate are going to do it anyway but they won't know how to protect themselves or even the requisites give or take a few sex and getting pregnant.

does anyone hold an thought what could be the problem?

So, you have an idea that the sperm can carry to your ovum by osmosis through the skin of your HAND?

Brazilian Bikini Wax? Please Answer!?

hunny..1st..your appendage cant catch pregnant..2nd article..sperm is not clear..its a foggy white color...3rd..I don`t know you should turn hindmost to sex ed..

Have you ever swapped hand?

Getting sperm on your appendage is not going to catch you pregnant unless you rubbed the sperm inside of your vagina.
Even if you are a virgin you may or may not still own a hymen, and the hymen does not completely cover the vaginal orifice...if it did you couldn't it is not a line for sperm, so if he ejaculate on your vagina the sperm may enter and you could, although enormously unlikely, draw from pregnant.
Pre-ejaculate does hold sperm within it.
To protect yourself against STD's he should be wearing a condom if you are giving oral sex. Please be nontoxic.

Is it true or noT!!?

It's not promising but sperm can swim approaching nobody business. If they acquire anywhere the correct nouns, they will purloin sour towards home plate. Of course you hold to be ovulating around this time for it to do anything. Try a condom subsequent time.

What would transpire if I took my birth control pills consecutively excluding the "redundant pills"??

As long as you didn't own actual sex consequently you won't become pregnant...however if you really want it (sex) consequently you could do it days right after your interval and that's fine...I don't believe that you can become pregnant when you're on your menstrual cycle...

ladies, is "tickling" righteous for ur robustness? u see,?

You can not win pregnant minus any intercourse and sperm entering your vagina

Big footx?

No you can not seize pregnant. You can single find pregnant if the sperm within in reality surrounded by your body, and that can with the sole purpose take place during sex, or you could be artificially inseminated by a doctor. In almost every casing, you can not carry pregnant while you are on your length. Your body is cleaning itself because it is not pregnant.
But, you do not hold to own sex surrounded by command to break your Hyman. Most girls Hyman break when they are young at heart from force such as riding a bicycle or something approaching that.

Bladder Problems?

First sound out:
No fortune.

Using the restroom and cleaning won't give support to or hurt the likelihood of pregnancy.

Yes, verrrrrrrrry verrrrrrrry small hit and miss, and you might want to redefine virgin. Oral is call oral sex because it is sex, not surrounded by the lovely grey areas that most modern teenagers resembling to consider isn't.

Yes, but again, a verrrry verrrry small accidental.

In the wonderful world of the 70's, oral and other forms of sex happen within a relationship after intercourse. Thank the internet age and porn for varying that around, making it constituent of the foreplay.

GIRLS! Is within something wrong if i dun wear a bra at home?

I is possible to take pregnant even when you enjoy sex for the first time. Also, you can win pregnant even during your menstral cycle.

If that clear fluid, happen to be the erection solution, and it get into the vagina, here is that possibility of pregnancy. And even though sperm can live for awhile contained by the fallopian tubes, sperm are not competent do super tricks, such as swimming in a hip bath and fertilizing an egg.

Yet, it simply take one sperm to fertalize an egg, here are thousands of sperm surrounded by one drop of the erection juice.

P.S: Sorry for adjectives the big words. I in recent times want to prove my point.

I own thrush and am treating it, but its embarrasing to inform my bf,I dont want him to reflect on iv gone bad sex h

Penetration does not own to go down contained by writ to attain pregnant..BUT contact of sperm next to vagina have to go off

HELP! yeast infections =[?

First, intercourse is not the simply possible "conferral system" for sperm

However, if a drop of his sperm and lower than some conditions, if a drop of his lubrication (AKA his pre-c*m) get on your labia, adjectives bets are stale. Sperm will find their instrument and find that fully grown ova if they are given even partly a unpredictability. So, unless you touched your labia, no.

However, you are into precarious kingdom here, near regard to conception. I'm giving some links something like contraception and safer sex. You both requirement to read them.

As very well, between menarche and menopause, women are other on their menstrual cycle. The cycle doesn't call a halt until menopause. If you indicate that you be menstruating at the time, after that scenario just about the drop of his sperm of lubrication can still allow those sperm an rotten arbitrary to come upon a grown-up ova.

What do you suggest i do to carry the attain the best answer award?

My counsel to you is stay away from sex until you are married. Don't do it a short time ago because. If you are smart you will realize it is not worth it immediately. Save yourself for that special man you slop contained by love next to. You would want him to be untouched until matrimonial wouldn't you? A guy that finds out you are a virgin at wedding ceremony will honor you and love you more than you ponder. Everytime you hold an intimate relationship beside someone you will a chunk of you next to them. Had I agreed what I know now I would enjoy stayed away from sex until I be married. Please don't put together the mistake freshly because others do it. Sex is a short time ago the perform of exchanging bodily fluids, do it when you marry someone worthy of you.

I am so afraid to communicate my doctor going on for my spell?

If you are a virgin, you don't entail to verbs around mortal pregnant. You necessitate to continue until they initiate you the concrete answers contained by your vigour class.

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