Pregnant and drinking?

my freind is pregnant and she said she can hold 2 specs of wine if she wants(thats what her doctor said) wen we travel out on sit but i dont suppose u can i no u can own a chalice of lager shandy once surrounded by a while but i didnt have an idea that u could drink wot do u suggest?

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Would she pour her kid a cup of wine and permit it drink it? Course not, but thats effectively what youre doing when youre drinking and pregnant. No wine, no shandy, no lager, no booze!! Have fun on Saturday xx

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wine should be fine x in recent times a few

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There are adjectives opinion on this but my mate hold adjectives have 2 eyeglasses or so a week. Their kids be great.


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i wouldn't risk it. I'd a bit own a tough babe than a chalice of wine.

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well I dont agree beside it but most doctors voice that you can hold 1 not 2 goggles of wine ever so normally not adjectives the time though.

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if it is simply a one past its sell-by date, after i reflect your friend will be ok.

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You should never drink when you are pregnant. She wants a tentative doctor. Have her steal a look at a lethal alcohol syndrome website. There is no certain amount of alcohol to be precise protected when you are pregnant.

Birth Control?

No one should drink any loving of alcohol at adjectives when pregnant. It can hurt your unborn newborn. She should receive a second assessment from another doctor.

Tell your friend to look at this site and read the info in it:

Here's a quote from the site:

"Alcohol (wine, beer, or liquor) is the foremost certain preventable basis of mental and physical birth defect surrounded by the United States.

When a woman drinks alcohol during pregnancy, she risks giving birth to a child who will pay envelope the price — contained by mental and physical deficiency — for his or her entire go."

If you are a righteous friend, you will show her the pattern site and variety her take to mean that it is fruitless to drink alcohol while pregnant.

Good luck.

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i be advise to drink one and only a couple of eyeglasses of wine when pregnant, i miserable at the weekend, i be advise that a couple of specs of red wine ocasionally when pregnant is polite for softening the cervix, making graft somewhat easier

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I hold hear this, never from my doc, but read it is pregnancy book my self that 2 eyeglasses be OK. But here is also not plenty years of studies on it, so why would you want to risk it. Enjoy a couple specs of wine during your pregnancy and possibly enjoy a mentally or physically retarded child for the rest of your time, I judge the answer is understandable. Tell her she requirements to be smart roughly speaking it and hand over it up for the nine months, since you really don't know for sure! Good Luck, you nouns approaching a unadulterated charitable friend.

Birth Control?

Drinking any alcohol during pregnancy is extremely perilous to your toddler. It lead to malformed births and babies who are born alcoholics.

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People really involve to return with ancient the perception that wine and beer are different. I have it in mind yes, plainly, they're different, but it's adjectives alcohol, and it's the alcohol that can own the cynical effects on the babe.

Anyway, if you want to catch into a big medical b*tchfest, ask several doctors just about caring drinking effects on the fetus. From the mention of shandy, I'd guess that you're in the UK, where on earth they own a more relaxed attitude going on for drinking than here in the US. I've hear that lots UK doctors vote that a preganant mom can own two alcohol unit (1 element =1 12 oz beer=1 4 oz chalice of wine=1 cocktail) twice a week. Here in the US, the prevailing attitude seem to be no alcohol at adjectives for the first trimester and afterwards *maybe* an occasional drink. If you don't mind person looked at resembling the reincarnation of Hitler for drinking while visibly pregnant.

Reading the literature, I suspect that a chalice or two of wine as a special treat for the mom-to-be, after the first trimester is okay. The big problems really go down when the mom's an alcoholic and drinks regularly and heavily... that can *seriously* hurt the kid. But the evidence for the impair of occasional, pallid drinking is mean.

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reports voice that it's ok on doctor even told me once to hold a chalice of wine when i started into precipitate labor near my daughter. made me sick and still didn't stop the contractions!!

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They vote something similar to 2 eyeglasses of wine are fine, and nil more than wine... but.. I wouldn't drink anything, we adjectives know doesn`t matter what we guzzle or drink is goin to find it's agency to the newborn, and we don't want to administer alcohol to our babies...

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I would not drink at adjectives. It is not worth the risks.

Discharge. Help. What would it be?

There be a TV program some time ago and showing the children who's get alcohol syndrome. They own behave problems or erudition difficulty etc... I could see their obverse are different resembling down syndrome, so shocked and feel sorry for their mum. Those mum be dictum that nobody told them how perilous to drink in their pregnancy even GP neither midwives. I am sure you can find some information from the lattice ( sorry I am so busy looking after my 6month ripened baby). That program showed us what one component looks like( it is not a glassful) which most of inhabitants are thinking we allowed to drink in a week.
Personally I would not recommend any drinking because as long as you drink nearby is other some risk your lovely infant may hold something. I know so tons pregnant female have drunk heavily and still have a natural tot is it worth to run risk on your infant's strength?

Is this ok?

well pregnant mom's did it contained by the 50's and 60's and kids seem to come out more regular than they do presently. I tight it's probably not a appropriate theory, I show the alcohol is going into the fetus and can inflict the kid to be retarded or enjoy other handicaps. If she's doing this on a day after day cause she's definitley going to rumple her kid contained by which skin she and the child will hold to compensate for her drinking for the rest of thier lives. Maybe she should ask herself if it's really worth it.

How safe and sound r tampons?

im sure 2 eyeglasses of wine wont hurt her, however it seem as if it would brand you get the impression mortified if she drank it. i would merely explain to her how you grain.

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