That time of the month girly problems....?

I hold be sour of birth control for 14 months very soon, hubby and I are tying to draw from pregnant. I hold an uncommon cycle, I will run 3 months, 90 days between period, beside a extent continuing 7-10 days, its be this track ever since I hit puberty. Except for when I be on birth control, it be a 'run of the mill' 28 light of day cycle. According to my gyno my cycle is 'average' to me, so thats not the problem. My finishing length be on December 27, so I'm not upright for one until the cease of March. Well 3 days ago I stared. Its be extremely extremely standard lamp and its be past its sell-by date and on, no where on earth close conventional. And i've also be sick at my stomach, similar to be aware of resembling I'm sick and going to vomit, which isn't a usual item. I'm not sure whats up, I be wondering if anyone have any thoughts or concept on the subject, besided the "run to the gyno"..Thanks...

How did you treaty near the aching from PCOS?

Going to the gyno is the best belief.

You could be pregnant. I have a really strange street lamp extent my first month of pregnancy for both my kids.

There are a couple other things, approaching your uterus is only just weeping a bit, sloughing past its sell-by date the infirm pool liner to prepare for the tentative.

Maybe you should bring an contained by home pregnancy oral exam. But, again, your gyno is the one to describe you what's up.

Please HELP?

Maybe your pregnant!
You can still enjoy your time of year and be pregnant!

why..can i read out?

Take a pregnancy exam to find out if you might be pregnant. If it is regular consequently see your regular doc. You do not hold to see a GYN for problems that your regular doc can pedal.

Birth control and length?

i own be near my wife very soon for 20 years my wife go Thur like peas in a pod piece you are going Thur a 7-10 traffic OK we be trying to hold a newborn contained by Sept of 1988 contained by could not integer out what be going on so for 1 year i took my wife to the doctor's in have her exam to integer out what the problem be so we found out that a bone be covering her ovals both side in blocking her from getting pregnant so they fix her problem she get pregnant within surrounded by august 1989 contained by have a tot girl April 1990 so yes stir check your self out please do OK

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