Gah, boobs.?

ok, so basically everyone surrounded by my family have boobs that are C. i'm the smallest in the home with boobs that are... all right... not a C. my mom said hers basically popped out at 20, but is that possible? i'm 18, and i'm not crying myself to sleep over it at hours of darkness, but i'd like to fetch out some hope that i will not forever have this seemingly flat chested physique. i have my pd in the 6th echelon, but she said she had hers even closer than that. when i read in articles, it say women should stop growing everywhere basically going on for 4 years after their pd. i know everyone's body is different buttttttt, really. do i still have hope?


Spermicidal lubricant?

you are probably done growing but why verbs about it?you are on top form and that is what matter most and having bigger breasts wouldn't conversion your life much.

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yes every one have her style and maybe ur boobs grow following. but u can practice and massage ur boobs they'll be bigger

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Don't verbs about it. As long as you're fit and glowing, that's all that matter. Boobs contain fat, that's why ballerinas and gymnasts are flat-chested. Lots of citizens actually resembling that tight look. When you grow old and pile on the butter, you'll regret it! Enjoy it while you're nice and pert. I can remember a friend describing Samantha Fox (who was on her hand and knees in that photo) as individual "on her sixes".

Ladies..What do you think almost Nuvaring..?

it is natural to be bigger or smaller

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Everyone is different. You will go and get yours eventually. I would not worry. Eat right and exercise and pocket care of yourself! The girls will come around when they're all set!

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My dear it is funny to hear about another "blessed" family- however don't need for them- I am sure yours will be comming around your 21st b-day! (Seriously I went to bed one hours of darkness a 34B and woke up a 36D)

Besides they are a pain contained by the a**, say worthy bye to those cute small tank tops you enjoy :)

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i wouldnt fret. just find a guy that like little boobs. like me.

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