Ok ladies, whats the best way to proctect ourselves from sharp elbows?

My 2 year elderly manage to elbow me within the breast every time he get up from my knees. I try to stop him because its comparatively bleeding but sometimes hes too hasty. He uses those boney little elbows to push sour and man they be aware of similar to needles! lol Even when the little booger uses his hand to push away...OW! Guys lately don't know! I can one and only believe what it must consistency approaching for them...Whats the best course to protect ourselves? Should I invest in an umpire vest or something? lol What do you muse?

On another register, constant blows to the breast shouldn't create highest problems should it? I sure hope not!

Oh my...I'm roflmao at my own ask...

is it true?

It shouldn't do any enduring despoil. If he be certainly pulling frozen on them, he might smash up the ligaments or something, but I can't think about that somewhat kid can do too much deface.

At two, the kid's probably outdated plenty to start individual told (gently) to "Be guarded... when you push on mommy's chest resembling that it hurts mommy." This won't other work (there's a aim that within's no such phrase as "as thoughtful as a two-year-old"), but it'll assistance... plus it's other worthy to start them on the pathway of consideration for others.

In the meantime, hold you thought give or take a few getting a pad bra? I hold one from Victoria's Secret that I swear could stop bullets. Being a bosomy girl it make me look resembling I've be hit within the support beside two cruise missiles, but it's honest and supportive.

Infection of the cervix?

The worst you'll probably experience is bruising and maybe (but importantly unlikely) an irritated milk gland.

As for protection, I guess the best you can do is be aware that he's on his agency up! And as soon as he starts his running leap acquire all set to take into custody and guide him. My son used to do like item and I somehow manage to hang on to myself protected. However, after 13 years, I can't really remember! I construe I be simply awfully proactive next to helping into my nouns.

Good luck.

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