Passing huge Blood clots?

passing extraordinarily ample blood clots during length Had tubes tied 7 yrs ago anyone ever have this or know any causes

Vagina bleeding?

I have ample blood clots and weighty bleeding that continued for 7 days at a time. I did not enjoy fibroids, it be primarily that I as a moment ago getting elder. I am done have children, so my doctor suggested an endometrial ablation. It is great I own impressively muted period and they later no more than 4 days and I get the impression that my life span does not revolve around my period.

You should move about to your doctor to find out the effect because they enjoy tons things that they can do to cut back on your period.

Girls Only please!?

i deliberate you should see the Dr or even step to the ER

NATURAL nouns for term strain?

that doesnt nouns angelic shift see a DR and soon even if it manner u gotta go to the ER

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go to the er asap thats not a polite sign to intervene clots that size

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could be fibroids. I have them years stern and would go by colossal clots, similar to the size of an egg. I lost deeply of blood. Had to hold surgery to own them removed. not fun

have you ever gotton rid of stretch grades? Really?

You may enjoy endometriosis which cause unhealthy bleeding and clots. You didn't state your age, but pre-menopausal symptoms can commence surrounded by your thirties and might be the lead to. The best item to do would be turn to your doctor and discuss the business beside him/her and consent to them possibly run a few test. You may inevitability to purloin something to regulate yourself for a while.

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You may obligation a D and C. Make appt. at doctor. Let him hold a look see.

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I've read and hear that ample blood clots are a sign of fibroids. It isn't go threatening (or so I believe), but you still obligation to enjoy a dr check. He can do a minor surgery I believe to bring back rid of them and stop that blood clotting.

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I hold have this symptom my in one piece grown life- for me it is because at hand is too much estrogen within my uterus, cause the bin liner to become sticky and built up. It's call endometrial hyperplasia. (another symptom is irregular/long periods) BUT you must see a OB/GYN something like it because it could be something else, such as endometriosis or some other cause.

Birth control quetion,,,?

A girl that I know have this problem and her doctor told her that she have fibroids and desires a hysterectomy. Could be ordinary for you though, but you obstinately requirement to agree beside your doctor.

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