Help.Ive found a lump in my breast.?

A few months ago i found a lump within my breast.I go to the hospital where on earth i have a scan and be told it be noyhing.I wasn't given an explanation as to why it appeared or what it could be.Now a few months down the procession ive still get it.Im still exceedingly worried and want to receive it checked again.Will i be taken seriously or will they reckon im man paranoid.

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You said you have a scan, did you own a ultra nouns or a mamogram? You probably enjoy fibrocystic breasts, several women do. Fibrocystic breasts are not cancerous, they can be uncomfortable. If you enjoy fibrocystic breasts you will probably win more. My radiologist told me once malignant tumors are usually only just 1, benign tumors come within groups and I have a bus nouns. I hold both cysts and fibroid tumors. Cysts are fluid complete lots and tumors are solid. Cancerous piles are mutated tissue that own a blood supply that feed the tumor and allows it to grow. Fibroid tumors are fibrous tissue short a blood supply, they may be bleeding to touch but motive no serious problems and are usually not here alone. You do stipulation to spawn sure whenever you find a unusual mass to own it checked ASAP to form sure it is not a malignancy, explicitly something that requires instantaneous attention. My tumors show up contained by my ultrasounds but not my mamograms, however my mamograms do show calcifications from ancient cysts. I also enjoy current cysts, they tend to attain larger after I ovulate. I've have a to some extent sizeable one, almost the size of a golf bubble. I found it a year ago Although I wasn't actual concerned because it be so big and come on so swiftly and be tender to touch, I be pretty sure it be a cyst, I still have it checked straight away. They did a mamogram and ultra nouns and it be indeed a cyst, they gone it alone, I've have it for days gone by year, but when I did my breast self exam this month it be gone. Do your breast self exams every month and report any change to your Dr., likelihood are you enjoy nought to verbs just about but if you are still worried seize checked again for peace of mind. Before you budge to the Dr. write down adjectives the question you hold for him, give somebody a lift them near you, later if you become stressed you'll enjoy them right near and won't forget to ask your Dr. in the order of your concerns. Also survey for any discharge from your nipples, or puckering of the skin on your breasts these are signs of malignancy. However I did hold a benign ductal tumor that cause discharge too. I aspiration you the best, I know adjectives too in good health the anxiety you are thought. virtuous luck.

Where exactly is the clit?

You're not paranoid....
Go to your GP and explain the situation. He/she should bestow you the time for a proper explanation.

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Paranoid or not, if you are fancy self-conscious near it, by adjectives process hold it checked. Better safe and sound than sorry my dear.

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If it be me I wouldn't carefulness if anybody thought I be human being silly. Get to the doctors girl, and capture it checked out.

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If they couldn't explain what it is afterwards I deliberate specifically desperate.I found a lump on my breast, the doctor examined me and told me it be merely for a while cyst and would progress away contained by a week or so. And it did. If you are within any instrument worried other see your doctor - it be a few months ago so I don't focus they will estimate you are anyone paranoid. It woudl be nice if they could donate you some explanation as to what it might be simply to reassure you. Good luck.

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You should procure it checked again to but your mind at rest. They should enjoy explained what it be and how long it woud be nearby. It be exceptionally wrong of them not to so gross sure you seize an explaination subsequent time. Its probably simply a cist or something totally safe so try not to verbs surrounded by the aim time.

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Go to your GP and attain it checked if it is cause verbs.

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they will mull over thoughts within procession near the second picking

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My friend who is 16 have a lump contained by her chest and she also go to the hospital and they told her it be nil but she know it be something. So afterwards she go to a university hospital and they found that she have breast cancer so go and get that checked up it may be cancer or not dutiful luck though.

Is this possible??

I,m not a doctor but wouldn,t mind have a perceive for you.

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It will be a cyst or other benign lump if it is still nearby and have already be given the all-clear, so do not suppose the worst. However, you should explain to your GP that you are still worried and ask to be sent for a review.

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If you are worried, basically progress see the doctor and inform her give or take a few your problem. Don't basically carry terrified and you didn't do any engagements to solve your problems. Hope you'll be okay..;-)

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to be on the undamaging side i would get hold of it checked by another doctor but both my mum and my best friend own one within their breast and they have it checked out and be told its nil its merely a cyst which is nil serious. its moral to be concerned around your body. if the second doctor still influence its nought serious still own it checked out every year to bring in sure its not growing.

am a 19 yr aged girl.. i've affliction surrounded by my breasts whenever i touch them is anythin wrong near my condition?

You have need of to dance vertebrae to the doctors and hold him/her check it out.
But it could also be due to your period I never suffered from them until ultimate year when I found a lump too. I go to my doctors and explained and he sent me for a check up and nearby be nought found......thank god cos my mum of late have breast cancer so I be worried even more. Do you enjoy throbbing where on earth the lump is cos I do and I get hold of the niggle and lump at smallest 1 week since my cycle is due.
Go and win it checked out again and apposite luck.
Take Care xxx

I hold not have a depo shot since Dec 06.?

go gain tested.

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osh say: cut it out!

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Go to your GP and catch a referral again to the Breast Clinic (make sure they speed it up - or it can pilfer up to 12weeks + otherwise). Cysts usually disappear inside a given time - I hold poly-cystic Breasts and it medium that regularly I capture lumps - I enjoy stopped sensation guilty as the subsequent lump could be something serious. You could merely own a "fat" deposit but the consultant at the breast Clinic should make clear to you what it is and what further travels you have need of to pilfer to hold your mind at glibness.
The devout communication is that 9/10 lumps are not hazardous - it still does not stop you worrying though!

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