If you're on birthcontrol, and sometimes you forget to take your pill like 1 day is it likely you can get preg


How come it hurts for a girl to enjoy sex for the first time and not a guy?

Now you shouldnt pinch this for granted, but I enjoy be on the pill for 9 years very soon, and I am enormously unpromising at taking it. Hardly a month pass when I dont forget at tiniest one and also rob 3-5 a few hours behind schedule. Throughout this entire time I hold be sexually stirring, and I so far I havent be pregnant once.
Also my doctor told me that one pill isnt usually an issue, while it is obviously hazardous to forget several surrounded by a row. He also said that it is more key to steal resembling the first ten timely and regurarly than the ones surrounded by the second partly of the month.

Period Help?

You can.

If you forget a pill, you involve to use a backup method, close to condoms, for at tiniest a week after the missed pill.

Herpes and hpv//pap smear?

there is the mornning after pill, try that,

stretch results?

yes! if you forget to pinch your pill, don't hold sex until you hold taken the pill for seven days consecutively! be wary!

My time of year be due yesterday, I have a touch but its gone immediately. Is that middle-of-the-road?

if it be OK, they would relay you. "YOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE THEM DAILY"

But if they are each day, they solitary work if taken day by day.

You may try an aspirin between your knees and maintain it near for as long as you don't want to return with pregnant.

Is it common to bleed after a pap smear?

it can take place, and have happen to me. i hold a wonderful little boy because of it. if you not looking to win pregnant you a 2nd for of protection such as a rubber.

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