Bacteria vaginosis and menstruation...?

My query is...I take bacterial vaginosis every month right beforehand my time of year and it's bloodshed me...i go to the doctor...get flagyl...but it come rear legs the subsequent month past my time...the doctor said that it have something to do next to my ph set off right formerly my monthly...I wanna know if here is something I could do to hold my ph stability everyday so i can stop getting this annoying item.

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One of the reason acidophilus supplements might not work for you is that the beneficial germs may attain destroyed by your stomach acids, and don't shutting down up where on earth they obligation to be.

There are two products I've hear of which is supposed to backing:

Gy-natren - an acidophilus product designed for women's vigour. It claims to contain a super-strain that produces hydrogen peroxide. It contains two sets of pills - one to run in words, and one to insert vaginally. I've see this sold at Whole Foods.

Fem-dophilus - it's a form of acidophilus pills, but they've isolated two strains of lactobacilli which specifically work best in the vagina, and are designed to survive digestion. I haven't found it at any store, but you can buy it online.

Rephresh - it's a gel that you insert vaginally once every 4 days. It's supposed to oblige symmetry the pH stratum. It can be found at your local drugstore.

Good luck.

i dont ponder i own orgasms?

That sounds resembling a cross-examine for your doctor. You might call for to use flagyl every month if your body chemistry is funky, or in attendance might be something else you can do. Also, put away lots of yogurt. It have fitting microbes surrounded by it that give support to hang on to your body majority.

Possible heart/chest strain or something else?

have you tried using yogurt?

whats da benefit of vitamin E? that help to grow curls or a fighting fit skin?

Are you on hormonal contraceptives? This could be cause the problem.

Or are you douching? This will upset ALL sorts of things in the vaginal conduit, not a short time ago pH, but fluent germs that are needed to save things in check.

Are you intake a diet illustrious contained by acids? Taking supplements?

Maybe you might consider switching docs...

Are tampoons supose to hurt when in the vagina or together?

Go backbone to your doctor and explain why you're not thrilled near the treatment that you received. If this is your family circle doctor, afterwards ask to be referred to a GYN. If this is your GYN, next dance hindmost to your house doctor and enunciate you want a second feelings.

Me and my girlfriend are have sex three years already but still no infiltration because it's scratchy for her.

i enjoy a ask, is the doctor giving you a pill or are you using the cream/gel you insert into your vagina?

Lactating.. and no pregnancy?

I've have it once or twice, and my doctor said he have some patients who own to pilfer flagyl or ketoconazole every month, or several times a year. He say some folks are prone to it.

Not sure what you can do to affect your pH really.

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