Please oblige me near my 2nd length!!?

I had my first period something like 3 weeks ago, and it was really light. (i could wear a tacky pantyliner and change it ever 4 hours and be fine)

The thing is, i get it kind of late also. I'm only about to turn 14. I also had some cramps during it. Also 2 weeks subsequent when you're "ovulating" i had some clear stretchy discharge.

So in a week, i'm "supposed" to achieve my 2nd one. But since i got it at a late age and it be really light, do you think it will come again? I know it's irregular for alot of girls, but i entail some opinions. Did you get your second one on the dot? What is the chance that i'll get my 2nd one a month next?

Answers:    Yes, it will come again...but like you said, it could be late. Mine started out pretty regular, but every very soon and then it would randomly come rash or late.

BTW 14 isn't really a "late age." And that stretchy discharge scheme that you did ovulate, which means that your period is on it's agency. Good luck!.
Period can be extermely irregular, especially if you've just gotten it. Mine hasn't really gotten regular yet and I've have it for 3 years. Don't worry about it. Sometimes when I obtain really stressed, or for no reason at all I will skip a month.

If you are really worried, you can jump see a gynocologist or your doctor about it..
Your first few periods will most credible be light and somewhat irregular. It can take a while for things to regulate - sometimes several months. If you are unsure if what you're experiencing is "normal" don't be afraid to ask your doctor - that's what they're near for. I know it can be embarrassing, but believe me, they've heard and see it all! You can also talk to your mom, an aunt, elder sister/cousin, etc. I'm sure you're just fine. :) You sound smart, so I'm sure you know that it's practically impossible to speak, but I am 14 turning 15 in october. I got my first interval on like June 17, and my second on July 24. They were pretty similar, I guess you could read aloud, but not quite regular. There are girls whose periods are regular from the first time they grasp it, though. .
Personally, my 2nd period was on-the-dot. But that doesn't suggest yours will be.

I hate to say this, but there's really no means of access of're just going to have to dally and find out. It's good that you know there's a chance your interval will be irregular since you've just started...a lot of girls obtain scared when their 2nd period is a week unpaid.

Just wait and be prepared!.
If you already started your periods, I'm sure you'll win your "second" one. Don't worry. If you don't get it, you should be glad. jk. Oh and you didn't start your period late. So that's not a problem. I'm sure you'll get your "second" term. Good Luck In Life When you first start having periods they tend to be irregular characterization sometimes you might not even have one that month or it can come anytime. As you get elder they become more regular and you can tell down to a day or two when you'll hold it..
the chance is probably really little that u will get it one month subsequent. When you first get your period it is really irregular for around 1 year. The clear discharge is ordinary. You just have to loaf till your next one comes. Welcome to puberty ;) Hey

I got my first on within june it was REALLY light, after 45 days later i got my subsequent one, it was really light at the start and next became brown/black, and a little bit heavier.
It will be irregular for a while so don't fret =]
trademark sure u have pads or tampons on foot cuz my first period in june be really light and all brown but consequently in july is was really heavily built and bright red. it leaked all over my undies and shorts. not a well-mannered situation. for me personal. You just have to keep on to see the pattern of your period. Meaning continue till your 4th to see the pattern. If its irregular or when its suppose to come..
I was elder than 14 and I got my second period the 28th light of day after my first so I'm just waiting on my third but its only the 20th hours of daylight though
No, not until about a year after your first one will it become regular. .
mine didn't come the second month, but came the third month. and it be a lot heavier. so buy some tampons or pads. your luck i get my first period when i was 11 but here most gurls arent regular when they first start... shift to for more info and ask iris if u need any help.
ive have mine for 3 years, and im still never on time. you may be a little underweight...not saw thats the problem, there might not even b a problem. ask your doctor if your that concerned Don't worry almost it!!.
You can get cramps anytime during or around your period.
Im 15 and I get my period in a slow age too. My period isnt even on time but. Ive had it for a year.
It usually takes 2 years to get hold of on track.
The clear stretchy discharge is normal. It just channel that your V***** is clearing up and is clean of blood.
Some peoples periods are restrained some are heavy.
It depends on how active you are and or your diet.

If you muse your around the time of your period be safe and hold a pad on.
The chance that you'll achieve your 2nd period a month later depends once again on how busy you are and what you eat.

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