Can u have sex while on your period?


Women, if you hold massive breasts, how promptly did they develop? Over weeks, months, years, etc? indisputable cross-question?

Of course you can, nearby is positively zilch you cannot do on your length.

Sex on your length is a biddable entry because it increases blood to your vagina, when you orgasm a hormone is produced call Oxytocin that cause uterus contractions helping to push out menstrual bits and pieces and the relaxation afterwards help to assuage menstrual cramps. As long as you are practicing secure sex afterwards sex during menstruation can be terrifically apt for menstrual cramps and helping 'give the name down' your spell.

It can be messy, but within are a few ways of getting around that;

oDon't hold penetrative penis to vaginal sex.
oHave sex in the hip bath or shower.
oHave sex beside a towel underneath you.
oUse softcups to avoid blood coming out.
oUse soft tampons to avoid blood coming out.
oUse a diaphragm to avoid blood coming out.

Softcups -
These are a type of menstrual cup, but they are soft plastic and shaped resembling a diaphragm so they sit subsequent to the cervix to take into custody blood keeping it from going out of your vagina, but as it is so illustrious surrounded by your vagina it allows for access.

Soft tampons -
These are close to tampons surrounded by that they plug up the vagina and involve blood to prevent it coming out of your body, but they are soft and smaller length-wise to allow for access.

There is unquestionably nil disgusting or "nasty" roughly speaking it to be precise in recent times an notion society hold due to menstrual taboo. Menstruation is not dirty and it is merely blood, it is no different from have sex when not menstruating when other vaginal fluids close to discharge and lubrication come out of your vagina. A lot of girls and women are also closely hornier when they are menstruating too so it can be deeply more lovely.

Information on menstruation and sex;

Is it average for vulva of 7 year matured to swell ? and how much it swell?

yes, but i wouldent recomend it. thats harsh!

If I have a partial hystorectomy 12 years ago and merely enjoy my ovaries does that parsimonious?

That graceful "if it is fun do it"
messy but "Be Prepared"

I used bith control pills within 7 months after that?

i regard as do not be appropriate because you are contained by the term

What's the difference between a penis and a vagina?

Yes you can...I would suggest doing it in the shower...much cleaner! Some girls say-so it help beside cramps.

Is it accurate to want to be pregnant contained by highschool.?

yes, for a moment messy but yes you can

okay so i have unprotected sex roughly speaking four days after ovulation so what is the risk of pregnancy?

yes...but messy

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