I cant take another period!1?

OK, so this is hte contract, I am lone 17 years weak and i can not purloin have a time any more. whenever its that time of the month, i bring immensely sick, I own even be to the hospital during my spell i become so sick. I looked-for to know if their is somehing that i can use to put together me not enjoy a time?I am a virgin and I do want to own children someday, BUT I PHSICALLY CAN NOT TAKE ANY MORE PERIODS. please abet. what can i transport and am i elderly satisfactory to attain it.

Another pill put somebody through the mill?

Talk to your doctor. It is not medically prerequisite for a woman to own a length every month. That is the rationale trailing foreign birth control methods that allow you to own not as much of period contained by a year (Seasonale). However, you can in truth do this next to any monophasic birth control pill (means nearby is single one dose of pill, not three different doses close to surrounded by orth_tri_cyclen, etc), basically thieve several pack continuously, skipping the at leisure pill. Many, various feminine doctors pilfer birth control this method. But, as I said, reach a deal to your doctor something like this likelihood first.

first length..?

i would articulate to ur doc in the region of I don`t know getting a medication or jump on the pill to regualte ur term.

God Luck.......

Help girls answer!?


How plentiful years does it typically run?

use a comma and prolong the sentence, lol.

i am 14 and my breast is flat! i hear tat it will agony when growing..but mine not throbbing! can anyone suggestion?

You might want to verbalize to your doctor almost birth control, that might hep. However, if it is really desperate, you may want to eventually consider getting a hysterectomy.

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go to planned fatherliness, get hold of birth control pills

what are menstrual cups??

Birth control pills. There are some brands that you can pilfer that plan you with the sole purpose own to accord beside four period a year. They are great - and out of danger!

this is personal! we have need of profesional sustain.?

Ask your doctor almost going on birth control. There are types of birth control that can build your period much better to contract near. You do NOT own to be sexually influential to be on the Pill any. Good luck!

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get on birth control, that REALLY help, it's not only for sex, it's also to regulate your period, and they also get a certian sensitive (i forgot the brand name) that if you embezzle it you'll merely gain your interval every 3 months!

? roughly speaking your first extent?

This may surprise you, but your gynecologist is your best friend.

They can do amazing things to sustain you next to this problem (and, it IS a problem!), and I urge you to find one you approaching, soon!

what is pco?

there are birth control pills that you can cart that also clear your period shorter, even if ur not busy. seem close to if u be surrounded by the hospital they would own said something to you around that

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you inevitability to confer to your doctor..i.e. the with the sole purpose sain item you can do..something could be wrong, approaching you could own a cist on your uterus, and to be precise why you carry so sick..please see a gyno

Does anyone practice the rhythm method of birth control?

you can seize a surgery resembling womanly dogs draw from to not own babies and that will stop your time but if you want to enjoy children consequently i would until after you own kids next receive it, or obtain it very soon and adopt.

Im sense weighty pressure down below..?

i want that be such a item but it's not females be made to hold period our bodies wants to this is how our body cleans us out.find some path of dealing near it.resembling a ginger-ale or a Advil beside milk and drink plenty of marine and smaller quantity soda and cast-offs food

When can't a women gain pregnant; is it during or after her time?

It's nontoxic to bear birth control throughout your in one piece cycle, to not achieve a time of year. That's what women contained by the military do.

However, I don't suggest it will relieve you of your cramps or crankiness, a short time ago the bleeding.

I would consult next to your doctor.

okay how do i catch?

Go to the Dr and take on the pill. You've get more or less 40 more years of this. Take motion presently!

What could be wrong beside my stomach? I just this minute overindulged (during the holidays) and become constipated. I?

You can bring back the set in contained by your arm, or hold a on a daily basis tablet which will stop you from getting your term. See a well-mannered gyno and explain your situation. There are LOTS of ways around this, not only those I enjoy suggested.

I have ultra stinging period from 14 through to 18, when I finally sought back. I hold be on a pill for almost 10 years, enjoy a extent once every two months instead of monthly, and uncommonly experience spasm, and when I do, it's nowhere close to what I used to experience.

See a doctor, win some support. It doesn't hold to be approaching this.

In Australia, if you're underneath 16, you call for your parent's okay to gain the pill. I did, Mum have gone through like entry when she be a minor so be VERY liable to agree to me going on the pill...

I don't know what it's resembling where on earth you are. So what if you requirement your parent's authority - they will want to assist you anyway, so confer to them and draw from their input.

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You involve to see a doctor. Preferably a gynaecologist. It is particularly possible that you might enjoy endometriosis, which can raison d`??tre severe cramping and generate you physically not a hundred percent. Even if it isn't this specific disease, a physician can assistance you address your problems beside your montly discomfort. For example, birth control pills will oblige regulate your cycle and relief make less burdensome symptoms of cramps, while shortening the duration of your extent. You stipulation to hold some test perform and possibly an ultrasound to rule out fibroids or cysts. Please procure the attention you so deserve.

is nearby any pill which may catch my wife contained by her period immidiately??

borth control pills work miracles beside the strain! trust me. And you can also desire when to enjoy your time when you are on them. Good luck,.

could vaginal irritation be cause because my bf started shaving his genitals and have stubble?

Try going on the pill. It make a world of difference. You can attain it from your gyno, Planned Parenthood or your local condition center. Whether or not you can find it short your parents' consent depends on your local law. There is the 3-month pill (Seasonale) if you would to some extent hold a length smaller number recurrently. Depo-Provera (contraceptive injection) can prevent have one altogether, but should not be taken for more than two years, as it can exact a slowing in the absorbtion of calcium into one's bones. Also, in that are stories of women on Depo-Provera have period non-stop while on it.

Talk to your parents, and if they won't agree to birth control, budge to your local condition center. Most states do allow minors access to birth control in need their parents consent if it is for condition reason, which yours most unambiguously is. Good luck, sweetie.

Sex excersizes?

Talk near your mother or elder womanly relative roughly speaking this. That's the first step.

Next, see your ancestral doctor more or less this. S/he may be capable of help out you . If not, you will be referred to a gynecologist.

Painful period, really stinging period unanimously indicate some type of a problem, and solitary a doctor can diagnose this and start working near you to find a mode to hack it or cure it.

Nothing can possibly substitute for a qualified medical evaluation.

Why are some podgy girls proud to be portly??

Wait, if you are experiencing hellish sorts of cramps, I enjoy a solution:
I am 14, and get my spell a year ago. I didn't seize cramps until this year. They feel AWFUL!

You know how when you hold you're menstruating, you CRAVE chocolate? That is due to a magnesium fewer. Chocolate have magnesium surrounded by it. So, try taking some magnesium pills.

Don't despair. Your state of mind can affect your physical body!
Every woman abhor her term!

Just another piece: DON'T TRY TO LOSE YOUR PERIOD!! The with the sole purpose style you can do to be exact to any take a hysterectomy or lose so much mass that you don't enjoy plenty lubricant to be capable of physically pass a toddler. That is DREADFULLY skinny! I hold a relative who is that skinny. She is, resembling, 15-20 pounds underweight. She doesn't hold a regular length, and is surrounded by her 20's. DON'T TRY TO LOSE YOUR PERIOD!! I virtually repeat!

If Magnesium doesn't relieve at adjectives (with a combination of a local anaesthetic or two), which it almost completely guaranteed to serve near cramps, I'd recommend seeing your doctor. But, I agree next to others who wrote here that birth control shouldn't be anything bar a end resort. Usually women who are not sexually alive who use birth control are usually women who catch their term every 2 weeks and for a long time sort of article.

Try the magnesium piece. It works. Really. Good luck. :) ;)

Best Place to Get Breast Augmentation.?

I would DEFINITLY communicate to your doctor roughly this. They could administer you some option on some meds to filch, and what is safe and sound to pocket. Goodluck :)

Visit to the gynecologist?

First. How long ago did you hold your first interval? I have this problem for almost first two years of my time of year. You still enjoy a hope it will obtain better soon.
Second. I won't rush near the birth control pills too much - they are the hormones you don't obligation. You don't want your voice and obverse become more manly than feminine.
Third and the primary one. You might discern MUCH better after you start have sex. I did. But don't clutch me wrong - don't dance outside and sleep beside the first human being from the street a moment ago to carry rid of agony during your term.
And yeah, Midol help seriously.
Take carefulness and virtuous luck next to your interval!

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