Is it commonplace for your term to come 2 weeks belatedly after you first return with it?

Answers:    Yes, it can be a year or more before you start have regular cycles. I started menstruating at least 5 years ago and I still don't other get it in good time.
If you're sick or your iron levels are low, you won't grasp it because you're body isn't up to it. I'll miss mine for a month or it'll be a few weeks late when my iron level are low because I'm borderline anemic. If you're a small person, if you own a low immune system, have be sick recently or enjoy an iron deficiency, it's potential you won't get it until you're body can feel it.
Everyone is different though; Some girls are regular right away but some are never regular. If you're not sexually active, you shouldn't verbs about it or use protection you should be fine. If there's a kismet you could be pregnant, then by adjectives means filch a pregnancy test 3-5 weeks after the missed spell.
In all honesty though, if you're starting menstruation, consequently that's probably the reason. Your cycle might be longer than what someone might enjoy told you was "regular." Give it a couple months to digit out what your cycle is and within a year you'll most predictable be perfectly everyday.

Hope this helps!
yes It happen!
yeah it takes a year or two to enjoy a regular schedule. Yes it is.
yes yes
if its ur first year consequently i guess it's ok
its probably because you ate cold foods a lot but im not sure if thats a myth or something Yes, sometimes it can lift a few months to get a regular, established spell. Some women never get a regular cycle, most do.
Yeah, impeccably normal. depends on you -keep a chart and follow up beside your gyn.
yes it is very ordinary yes because your body is adjusting or it could be irregular period.
Very normal Yes hon! It might run up to a year before your period are "regular". Just relax and allow your body to get used to this brand new stage of your life!
In the massively beginning, it take a while for your body to get on track and average. If it keeps up that process for a long time though - just check next to the doctor. Periods can be early or delayed and it doesn't mean anything is wrong whatsoever.
mister bon
shut up
stop mortal a jerk


its ordinary
it happens
Many girls are especially irregular when first starting their periods. I be. I would have a length for 3 weeks, nothing for 2 months, 4 days, nil for a month, etc. You may have to procure on a low dose birth control pill until you get regulated. its pretty usual.
in the first few years you are supposed to own irregualar patterns.
close to four weeks...
three weeks...
five weeks...

and sometimes then amount of days change around too.
and some girls have it lucky and individual get it every six weeks. *].

so only wait and see!
everythings alrightt!
yes.. mine used to come slowly when i 1st started like more or less a week late but i guess u get unlucky and urs came precipitate XD Yes dear this is perfectly average. When you first start your period, it take the body time to get into a run of the mill 28-32 day cycle. So don't verbs about it. It will be fine.
Yes, that's comepletely mundane. It's actually run of the mill for your period to be irregular for a long time when u first catch it. Don't worry roughly speaking it, just other be prepaered with pad or tampons just contained by case. duhh , it hasnt regulated but
Yes, definitely, don't verbs it will be weird close to; up to a year after you get it. It is totally run of the mill to have irregular period, especially when you first start menstruating. Two weeks off is zilch to worry roughly, and some women even have an irregular cycle for their entire lives, until menopause! Just save an eye on the calendar, and if it worries you too much, just ask someone you know who's be having period for a while. Tons of women have be late, your not alone hun! Good luck, and help yourself to care...
yes its everyday NO!! Oh MY!!

you are never gonna have are looosing adjectives your eggssss!!

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