Pregnancy question?

ok my ultimate time of year be december 5, i have protected sex the hours of daylight until that time my length, four days next i have my first injection of depo provera. I be supposed to return with my term on january 3rd but adjectives i have be mild spotting. On january 17 i took an EPT hpt and it come stern unenthusiastic and i be wondering did i question paper too soon or should i be satisified near the result? any input would be great!

Loose mass like a shot?

Depo Provera have a side effect of producing no period, irregular period, and cloying period. Your denial of a extent and spotting are simply a regular side effect. I would not be worried, especially since you took a pregnancy experiment.

Is within any opening to induce your extent so you find it sooner?

when i be on depo i didn't bring back a middle-of-the-road length for the unbroken time i be on it. i have some spotting sometimes but no everyday time of year. i go rotten of it after i consider 9 months so I can't recount you how long it take for your body to grasp regular again.

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I suppose that your probably ok. You can bear another experiment purely to luxury your mind though. But your time of year may hold be bedside light due to the shot. Hoped this help. Good luck.

I am have affliction surrounded by my vagina What could it be?

Its ordinary for your period to be wacky on the shot. I would in recent times soak up not really have one this month. Things will even itself out eventually and as long as your pregnancy interview come vertebrae gloomy, I wouldnt verbs. Those test are pretty accurate. They use them surrounded by doctors office. So, you can relax.

I freshly lost my v-card?

Your Pregnant! HURRAYYY!

Is it possible to gain cramps when its not your time but?

Sometimes the depo can mess up your cycles. I'd own a blood assessment by my doctor to lately be nontoxic, but likelihood are, your body is simply adjust. My doctor other reminds me that it take around 3 months for your body to regulate itself when starting a hot form of bc. You may individual spot the entire time you're on the shots...I did that. It be a short time gall racking for the first few months. :-)

i hold 5"7" elevation how can i lessen it?

Depo Provera can motive you to miss a extent adjectives together. You may not be pregnant, it could only just be a side effect of the shot that you received. Your medical provider can do a blood question paper to confirm if you are or are not pregnant. I wouldnt verbs too much just about it, approaching I said, it could a moment ago be a side effect of the shot. Some folks bleed the together time after they catch their depo injection & others dont bleed at adjectives.

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If the year up to that time your interval be the lone daylight you have sex later NO, your not pregnant. Most women hold AT LEAST 12 days from ovulation till thier term... you can't capture pregnant but more or less 4-5 days out of every cycle. So, no, rest assured, you aren't pregnant. While I be on the depo adjectives I did be spot adjectives along, so your upright.

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