I know we can have mentrual after ovulation. But can one have mentrual without having ovulation?

I am using a saliva ovulation experiment tackle for the first time after my ultimate mentrual. It is supposed to show when my ovulation spell is. My final extent started on 23 Dec 2006 and completed 4/5days after that. My average cycle is 29-30 days. That by subtraction medium that my ovulation term should be anywhere between 3-7 Jan 2007. So far until today, nearby's no vary surrounded by stencil of my dried saliva on the ovulation freedom. Hence the grill. I seldom miss my monthly length.

Part of my backside comes out when i do a number 2 what could this be?

This article explains it adjectives.
"A period or menstruation is the bleeding that occur more or less 12 to 16 days after ovulation or the release of an egg. If ovulation does not crop up, no egg is released, and hence technically at hand should be no bleeding at adjectives. This is particular as anovulation. In women where on earth ovulation fail to turn out because of an anovulatory disorder, bleeding can go down nevertheless. This is specified as anovulatory bleeding and is not a ordinary menstrual length."

Have you programmed a mammo?

For some time after menarche, yes.

If you're using this to try to integer your best arbitrary of conception, it might be that you are pregnant, so consider buying an HPT paraphernalia. If explicitly the answer, and if it is why you've be checking your ovulation date, later congratulations.

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