A girl question about..........?

ok when i bring my interval the blood is brownish i know thats its some what ordinary but do you know y?

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When you enjoy your extent, you are necessarily shedding dry blood which be once complicated on your body. The blood, while contained by the body, as already dried out, and when it comes out it get even more drier to the point that it rots. Also if you don't relocate your wad every three hours, the blood dries up and starts rotting, thus forming the brown color. For these reason, the blood which be originally red turned brown.

Note to the entity that said blood turns brown when it touches oxygen. Blood is originally blue in the body, when it doesn't contain oxygen. Therefore when you look at your vein, the color is blue. However after the blood is exposed to oxygen, it automatically turns red.

This example also works one and the same for when a personality have a antenna bleed. When your trunk first starts to bleed, the blood is red. However after a spell of time, the blood begin to dry and starts to rot. When the blood is rottened, it turns brown.

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because blood is just red when it contains oxygen... those blood cell enjoy died and flattened and no longer contain oxygen :-)

What's the best approach to stop hot flushes?

Low progesterone.

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when you win your time of year you are deeply, shedding your uterous... the bin liner of the walls is a dark colour.. thus the dark sludge similar to substance in the neighbourhood the end--- its not a short time ago blood...

i started my first term 4 months ago and i still havent gotten it is in that something wrong beside me?

well brown blood is partialy quagulated and could be your tampons se a doctor asap and i meditate its your tampons mabye your diet!

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When blood make contact next to the atmosphere, the color change. If the blood coming out of you is in truth brown, that's another story.....

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i be never told that that be ok? conceivably ur system isnt really verbs? similar to do u take ample waer and fruits and veggis within? if a dr. told u that thats ok consequently thats cool...i ve never hear that? double check on that -k-

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Is it brownish freshly at first or through the intact cycle? Brownish is unequivocally common and probably newly channel the blood have be flowing slowly through the uterus and leisurely exposed to oxygen. If it's brownish through the full time of year, you might want to check next to your doctor merely to be out of danger. Best wishes!

Does estrogen supplementation work for breast enhancment?

that is toward the finish off..get thicker...

Is idea violently tired, and dizzy middle-of-the-road around that time of the month?

brown blood is infirm blood next to late cell. blood next to live cell turns red when oxygen hits it.

How long does it cart for midol to see within?

Blood change color when exposed to oxygen. All the blood is coming out slowly so some of what is coming out towards the extremity have be exposed to oxygen and have changed color while inside your body.

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