What are the actions that can decrease the possibility for a woman to get pregnant?

Does smoking really disappear the possibility and how?

Has anyone have hymen surgery to replace near virginity?

NO! I own have two children since I started smoking. If you do not want to get hold of pregnant, see your doctor going on for birth control. There are lots of option immediately, your doctor can backing you agree on which is best for you.

Gardasil Vaccines?

Yes, hold the cigarette between your knees.

What should I hold beside me?

No. smoking doesnt do anything excluding generate you stink and head to lung/gum cancer.

Breast growth?

I agree next to Ed! LOL! That's just about the solely instrument smoking would moderate the possibility.

Can I whip evening primrose capsule and Starflower capsule together?

Well smoking can variety you infertile.

For a girl, is it sore wen u own sex 4 da 1st tym? and y?

Abstinence is the merely true form of birth control. Definently not smoking..... Smoking cause Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema And may COMPLICATE PREGNANCY. It is within no style shape or form going to drop off your probability of getting pregnant.

Please aid me out!! it is in the order of my allergy?

don't hold sex.

What happen if implantation occur postponed? similar to 13 DPO?

just speak about yourself not to procure into sexual activies.. u confirm wouldnt bring back pregnant.

smoking really solely trim down the possibility of better robustness. and not really recommended..

condoms still is not 100% not dangerous.. lol..


please backing methis is a horrible situation?

I don't know something like smoking.. adjectives I know is that you shouldn't do it while you're pregnant.

Do you want to receive pregnant? I can't transmit. Obviously using contraceptives (hormonal and non-hormonal) and abstaining will fade your likelihood of getting pregnant, but if you're concerned as to why you're not getting pregnant, own yourself examined by an OB/GYN to find out the genuine cause. Good luck.

ok so my quiz is on the detailswomen individual please!?

Smoking one and only help within preventing pregnancy if you're smoking instead of have sex, which btw -- I don't recommend. The singular 100% efficient method of birth control is not have sex. After that, near are lots birth control option out near. For maximum protection, use multiple ones at equal time-- for example use the pill, condoms, spermicide, and a cervical sunhat. Your likelihood of getting pregnant near adjectives of those is greatly, particularly slim. That's what my mom told me to do after I win married. (I'm a virgin in a minute and until later...)

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