Threw up this morning after taking glucophage?

Threw up this morning, taking glucophage and just ate a couple spoons of cheerios this morning for breakfast. I be attitude EXTREMELY seasick within class and have to excuse myself and threw up surrounded by the womanly's restroom. Could it be I didn't put away plenty or it's because I drank milk and am not suppose to drink milk next to glucophage?

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Nausea and vomitting are adjectives side effcects of glucophage. I do not infer that the milk have anything to do next to it.

Im on my 12thto 17th light of day of my pills but i forgot to help yourself to it and im have a bleed. what charitable of bleed is?

Like the girl above of the side-effects of glucophage is nausea. It will grasp better surrounded by a couple of weeks once your body get used to it. Its a event of time.
Until consequently...tolerance and apt luck!

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I agree near the other two. Eating doesn't enjoy anything to do next to it. Nausea is a side effect. I be takin' 1500 mg at one point. It will stir away eventually, i.e. why most doctors work up to a difficult dose, and doesn't put you on a glorious dose right away.

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