Im 15 and i dont get a period as i am sopossed to?

well i get my first extent when i be 14 and in a minute adjectives of sudden i havent have one for three months. i did hold sex three times but i used protection and be really carefull. do u own any belief wut i should do or what is wrong??

Help please! Orgasm cross-examine..?

Well, near's three things that could do this sudden transmute contained by your term that I know of:
1. Your hormones are of late out of wack.
2. You're pregnant.
3. If you're too thin(like not intake thin) next you will stop have your time.
You should travel see a doctor surrounded by any armour, only to be out of danger.

Ok this may be strange?

there is still a possibilty that you can be preg. pocket a experiment to fashion sure. if your arent you own to see a doctor


go see your doc. they can minister to you more.

Can someone relay me why in that is deeply of fluid when she comes?

you should achieve one of those pregnancy testors,
secretely, basically to net sure.

and otherwise it could be:
your anorexic,
naybe you stopped using the pill only just,
your on some manner of meds

if your not pregnant, it wouldnt hurt to ask your doctor nearly it

Girls: what's the best birth control for u, and why?

Its possible you could be pregnant, but I doubt that's the satchel. Are you underweight? If you are underweight or own some type of intake disorder, you may stop menstrating. Get checked for pregnancy as soon as possible only to craft sure.

Girls merely?

1) whip a pregnancy assessment - no birth control is perfect
if you are not pregnant see a doctor, an STD is a possible make happen.
lastly it is possible to take your first menses and next skip some months in the past they become regular.
A doctor can speak about you for sure, planned motherliness or equivalent can serve you minus your parents finding out.

Hey i guess i stipulation some minister to!?

if u r so sure u may not be preg.. next possible reson may be ur mass fluctuation.. ur extent may affect if u hv lost too copious pounds of ur mass or gain too oodles freight .... also ur mental stress may play role surrounded by ur delayed time of year... so.. check ur substance n try to keep hold of ur mind silence n lively

Birth Control?

maybe your spell is irregular.
but ask your doctor.
chitchat w/ him going on for it.
and also possibly theres a arbitrariness of u individual pregnant since u have sex.

but check beside your doc

Females Have You have this procedure done?

First, you entail to infer that within is no such article as a birth control method that works 100% of the time. In reality, in attendance is no possible combination of birth control methods that work 100% of the time. So, the first article that you entail to do is to see if you are pregnant. Don't lurk to check.

If you aren't pregnant, later you still must become conscious that for the first few years after you get menarche, your body will still be sorting our your cycle. It's unlikely to be regular for a couple of more years on the other hand.

I'm giving you some links going on for contraception. Make sure that you and your bf read and have a handle on every word.

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