I think I am menopausal and only 43 without a period over a year. I am not pregnant.?

appreciate opinion of both gender because men hold to agreement beside us. This is serious and requirement counsel. Thank you


Peeing blood?

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Lygonon ED?

Are you stressed or obese? Both of these things can stop your period.

Have you have any of the other signs of menopause, resembling hot flushes? If not, it's complicated to read aloud as some individuals (I believe) don't really carry them.

I reckon the best entity you can do is to step and own a chat next to your Dr or pharmacist, or if you're surrounded by the UK NHS Direct could probably aid (0845 46 47).

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Sounds as if you are to be sure into the menapause. Mine started in my mid-thirties and period be finished by time I be 42. It would be worth seeing a gynaecologist who may recommend a examination and relief ensure that your bone density mass is not decreasing. Good luck!

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The same point happen to my mom when she be 42. Her period stopped for over a year and a partly and the doctors couldn't realize why they have stopped as she be showing no sign of person menopausal. She wasn't pregnant, obese or stressed. After the year and partially her period started again and be usual after that. Doctors put it down to some species of "mid-life crisis". She wasn't menopausal.

Why am i spotting if i am on birth control?

My wife was around that age when she started the menopause. We be both shocked,but 3 years on it hasn't made much difference to us. She does return with hot flushes though, and is considering HRT. I know that it must be tough for women,it's close to a chapter end I guess.

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You are at the right age for menopause(35(peri/premature)
-50 years of age). Without knowing exactly what you are asking direction for, I will assume it is both the physical and mental change. Symptoms:

Vasomotor instability

hot flashes, hot flushes, including darkness sweats
sleep disturbances
Urogenital atrophy

liquid discharge
urinary frequency
urinary urgency
urinary incontinence

unified aching, muscle headache
vertebrae anguish
Skin, soft tissue

breast atrophy
skin thinning
decrease elasticity

mood disturbance
memory loss

decrease libido
vaginal dryness
problems reaching orgasm

There are few remedies/treatments for menopause, but biological hormonal replacement therapy are probably the best. Lubricants for the womanly organs, supplements, especially calcium for bone loss, and vitamin/mineral supplements.Use of soy products for estogenic support.. Chamomile, Kava Kava, and St. John's Wort supplements/teas to encounter mental extremes, and red clover isoflavone extracts and black cohosh for estrogenic support.. Black cohosh have potentially serious side-effects such as the stimulation of breast cancer, so prolonged control is silly within any luggage.Visit my website newsletter at naturescorner.com for other information.
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