My girl has been bleeding for 3 weeks off and on...?

This be after her length... she asked me hold i be cheating produce of this? Any girls know what could be wrong??

My boyfriend have a ahuge penis. When we own sex it hurts resembling I'm in the order of to be ripped. What can I do roughly it?

There's not ample info really. Has she just this minute started or stopped taking birth control pills?

pregnancy symptoms?

why would you be cheating.. and how frail is she is another cross-question.. some women step thro a renovation of natural life precipitate

A cross-question give or take a few birth control?

some birth control can raison d`??tre this she should see a doctor.

Large uterine fibroid tumors?

Did you hold sex next to her (especially unprotected) sometime after she have her length? If so, she may be pregnant and the spotting may be implantation bleeding. Have her see a doctor or embezzle a home pregnancy tryout soon!

Ok what do you guys surmise could i be pregnant?

You may not want to hear this,but your girl may really involve a histerectamy.

I'm 17, 5'3ish, 130 pounds, and newly want to lose a couple inches. Whats the most effiecient process?

A woman can miscarry and later bleed for some time back adjectives the tissue inside have come out! She wishes to see a physician, preferably one call OB/GYN. (Obstetrician Gynecologist)

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