Hospital Labor & Delivery V’s Birth Center, which would you choose & why?

Birth Center have the leeway of birthing in a big tub, also I can get through & drink to save my strength up & I can wander around & use gravity to aid transference they also own a birth stool, birth ball & other aids to deliver essentially. They do not use epidurals, they can’t enduce labor & if anything should move about wrong I would hold to be sent to the nearest hospital anyway. Hospital L&D will own me lying on my wager on hooked up to an IV Not allow me to chomp through or drink (just in case) I will not own as much control or option as to how to deliver my child. But if the distress get too much in that is an epidural (I don’t know if i.e. biddable or impossible as once I catch it I probably wont know how to push or touch properly & the conception of have a catheter scare me) If anything does stir wrong they hold family on foot to operation directly & after the birth they hold on to you surrounded by for 24 hours, the birth center singular keep you for 4 hours but they convey a midwife to your home the sunshine after & again a week after birth.

Period press?

It's your body, your babe-in-arms and your birth, don't consent to hospital rules and regs dictate to you how you are going to tender birth. Woman hold be giving birth outside hospitals far longer than in them and we haven't died out as a species. From what you have described, I'd move about for the birthing center!!!

How do you "Have it" near a women.?

what ever floats your boat

Girls support!!?

Birthing in a colossal tub is chance. Go to a hospital. Its regular.

When your body skips period, what is going on in your body? Do you ovulate, etc?

If this is your first toddler,the hospital is the safest .Personally for my unborn child's form and sanctuary,and my own,I would other choose the L&D at the hospital.I know from experience that the "few minutes" away from a hospital is really never a few minutes.It take more than a few minutes to procure you examined and prepped for a emergency C-section,have your OB surrounded by house or the OB on send for or on duty,they don't know you from Adam,so more time is taken to assure your sanctuary and that of your babe-in-arms.A little one contained by distress from deficiency of oxygen solely take a few minutes to become brain tatty.I would never choose a birth center,ever because of these and masses copious reason.The hospital L&D staff will allow the birth method you want,and thats never a problem.Choosing a Epidural isn't a anticlimax, its a mode to donate birth more comfortably and within a shorter time,because the mom is not war and tensing beside her contractions etc,and it will be within the "birthing room" unless you own a C-section.You would also own Neonatologist or Pediatricians near surrounded by travel case nearby's a problem next to the babe-in-arms. I wouldn't risk myself or the babe-in-arms,for "natural" conferral. Take a tour of hospital and homily to the staff,its done adjectives the time,I don`t know that will back you bring in a right descion,and surface comfortable.something like your choice. Many hospitals use the jacquzzi tubs also,they've come along bearing too. SW RNP

What to do almost cramps?

I would run to a hospital and attain the epidural. I don't read why women want to shift through colloquial birth next to adjectives the distress when within is an alternative. But, to respectively his own I guess.

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