Birth control shot?

I am getting married in May and want a worthy form of birth control. I cannot rob the pill, even low hormone, because my body have a aversion to the hormones, and it completely throws my cycle bad. My fiancee and I want to enjoy a babe after a year, so I requirement something that you would know how to progress past its sell-by date of in need risk of birth defect. My best friend loved the birth control shot, but when she go rotten it she have really desperate period because she have not have them the adjectives time she be on it. Has anyone else have a problem next to the shot? Will stopping period grounds any kind of problems when we try to capture pregnant within a year? My body is deeply sensitive to hormone change, and I didn't know how the shot would affect me.

someone aid me next to my time problem?

i suppose you should want a doctor's warning

How frequent times?

Do it the inherent bearing and longing you'll hold one.

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I be on the shot. It threw my spell stale. I usually have my extent for a week, very soon I'm lucky if it closing 3-4 days. It be never at duplicate time respectively month. Doctors told me it be okay, that the shots would do that to me. It's presently spinal column on track, but still one and only enjoy my time of year for three days. I approaching it that road. Don't own to put up a together week of craps. I like the shot, 'mete out you did it once a month and no worring nearly taking the pill. I would reccommend it.

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Girls please?

I am a man but I know that some women experience what your friend did and I hold hear of some women have constant bleeding from strapping to standard lamp for months

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I used this form of birth control for two years. I didn't gain consignment but ALOT of women do. Make sure you capture ample calcium because it messes next to your bones over time. If you hold acne it can receive it worse.
The first shot I spotted bad and on for a over a month, the second shot for close to a month and on the third third shot nearly a two weeks - this usually happen during the second month of the shot cycle.
It be during the third shot that I stopped getting period altogether and didn't get another one while I be on it. The first shot made my hip sore but after a few shots you attain used to it. I didn't enjoy discouraging period when I get past its sell-by date because I switch to the pill.

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I used this form of birth control a few years ago & have eternal problems lucklessly so have to discontinue it.

I have erratic bleeding & it threw my hormones right out, I be a obnoxious b* (thats what the ex said anyway)

Our body have a cycle for a source & mine didn't close to it when I tried to adjust it. Also it took a while to take a regular cycle occurring.

You can with the sole purpose try it. Good luck.

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The problem near the shot is, if you want to start havng kids within a year it would be pointless to jump on the shot. It take six months for your body to become regular beside it and after you usually lose your time. And once you step rotten it, it can clutch up to a year to achieve your time subsidise and start ovulating agian.

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I don't advocate you to move about on shots because they hold really desperate side effects. I come bad Depo six months ago and I'm still trying
to attain pregnant. My body is sensitive too, i hold added so much weightiness, my skin feel approaching dry leaves and i enjoy lost plentifully of my curls because of the shots that i took for one year. You can use womanly condoms; they don't enjoy any hormonal substances.

Is it basically me or do you find yourself over-eating during your menstrual?

If you are super-sensitive to hormonal BCP's, you won't know how to do Depo Provera. It's hormones!

If you are considering pregnancy soon, I wouldn't suggest it. Every woman is different when she stops the shot. You may clutch years to bring back your hormones pay for to run of the mill.

This shot is awful for women and should me taken rotten the bazaar.

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