Anyone had any pain/discharge after having an IUD fitted?


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I've one and only have mine 3 days but I have a bit of cramping the first light of day it be within the concluding 2 days I've have zilch a short time ago grain similar to conventional.

The insertation experience be worse afterwards i expected though

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yip me * is stinging

Light spotting mostly in morning after 1st time in bathroom?

Oh my god.. I'm planning on getting that done.

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had one years ago. it slipped sideways twice, trippled my period and discomfort. have it removed and go wager on on the pill

Is it true?

Yesw and if you start to bleed later you want to receive it removed...I have one fitted and started to hurt, bleed and i be rushed into surgery....I would not recomend them...If ytou are looking for contraception later you could look up a patch call EVRA.....It is close to a nicotine patch that you wear on you buttocks,and it have no side effects.......Best i ever found.....mum of 8.......

What is wrong beside my friends period?!?

I be fitted near Mirena IUD when it first come on the marketplace. I must enjoy be an exceptional skin, because my experience beside it be HORRIBLE.

The insertion be so bumpy I cried. The cramping and post insertion bleeding scared out of your wits me, and I nearly bled to extermination contained by childbirth!

The subsequent five months be pure, unpolluted HELL. I have more bleed days than not, I become anemic, I be constantly cramping, sex be impossible.

Finally I go to the hospital because I KNEW something wasn't right. Boy was I ever right...Not simply did I hold PID, but the IUD have punctured my uterus so severely I have to enjoy it surgically removed. To this morning, I hold blotch tissue that is to say so impossible it can be clearly see on ultrasounds, and is completely blocking my right fallopian tube.

I would a bit be taken out and shot than be told I needed another IUD!

Moral of the story: any instantaneous throbbing or questionable discharge you're have should be discussed beside your doctor, because you never know!

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I own read of several such cases where on earth anguish, bleeding etc. be reported after a copper T and similar IUDs be fitted. Better you procure it removed at a rate of knots (the body is trying to expel that foreign raise objections and is trying to set up irritation and inflammation locally).

A guy wouldnt mind right?

Yes, have impressively doomed to failure niggle and bleedinf afterwards and be put on Morphine. After two weeks the consultant have to whip it out as it be infected.

help please?

My wife have one implanted, and yes in that will be alittle spotting and discharge at first. (About a week or Two). And here is usually spasm within the small of the backbone, but this will run away soon to.
If you own any material concerns, see your doctor.


I did - several years ago very soon. I have a uterine infection as a result of the iud - from what I remember it happen vastly soon after have it fitted. I have to hold mine removed and a course of antibiotics. I did try have another one fitted but deplorably duplicate point happen - it basically wasn't suitable for me. If I be you I'd shift and see my GP asap. Good luck

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I have a hysteroscopy, biopsy and the Mirena fitted on Friday 2 February 2007. I enjoy be contained by bloody agony since the Sunday after. I've be to my GP - she give me painkillers. Went to the local out-of-hours clinic - said I have an infection, give me two course of antibiotics. Spent the in one piece of this afternoon contained by the local A&E department, inept to bearing from the discomfort. They finally realised that I've get internal bruising from have the procedures done.

If it's ongoing, offer NHS Direct a give the name on 0845 46 47. If it's worsening, step down to A&E. Nurofen Plus are pretty flawless at slaughter the aching.

Good luck. xxxx

WOMEN how would you grain?? A woman be sexually assaulted on a live TV show by the manly presenter!?

No pain/discharge. I own the Mirena........I have deeply of spotting rotten and on. That have resolved itself presently. I love have it.

How can i drink more?

i have my mirena coil put within 3 weeks ago, i didnt bleed, i have spotting & a unexpected discharge. i ponder this is middle-of-the-road as long as it dosn't smell funny or have a strange colour (red is unambiguously normal). it hurt close to a cramping torment for the first few days presently i dont know it's within.
hope ur ok

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