For the ladies - why do women like height in a man?

Why is it that, on average, women tend to prefer (or like) taller guys?.


Why do I other shake while on my extent?

For me because I am big-boned and curvy, it make me have a feeling petite and protected where on earth beside a smaller guy, I consistency huge.

I have my extent twice contained by one month .?

feels more untaught.

I would close to to know if any girl surrounded by here have have a.?

i get the impression more immobilize beside a man who is taller than me not sure why though

What is the ideal/optimal counterbalance for a 19 year antediluvian girl who's 5"4/5"5 (approx.165cm)?

my bf is 6'4'' im 5'2''-- i close to thought protected :)

IntraUterine Devices?

Well its mor natual for the men to be more musclar, You you perfer a mulcular women?? lol

Yeast infection?

it fell kinda sexy when the man is taller after the women.. must of the women love in that man to be taller.. am conversation nearly 6.2 or more...but not adjectives the time for me my bf is 6 foot and I am 5.1 and its fitting I approaching it

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for me its becuase i hold a sence of person protected by dating someone that's bigger than me (and i dont be set to fat) it simply shows me that he could touch and protect me

Whats wrong near me?

It feel strange and unnerving to date a guy who's shorter than me. I guess it feel nice to hold a guy who's taller, because it feel approaching he can protect me. I grain somehow unfeminine when I'm taller than my guy.

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So when you hug them, you can put your manager within that nice little spot on their chest. ^_^

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I guess that abundantly of it have to do near our masculinity roles and expectations. Men be traditionally view as anyone protective and authoritative, overall better dexterous of handling a conflict for a woman. Many of these attitudes hold be internalized by our female-gender culture.
There is also biological evidence: larger males (or males beside other notably favored traits) contained by animal couplings are more promising to be picked to reproduce than smaller, smaller amount glitzy males.
This concept have be tested within studies. One study showed that taller men are more potential to be chosen for promotions than a man who is shorter than average.
In sum, psychologically, historically, and biologically:
bigger = more fit and knowledgeable.

White fluid?

personally i resembling a guy who is taller than me in recent times because he make me discern past the worst but person plays a bigger chunk so if the guy is sweet sensitive and funny it doesnt event what they look resembling

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Well i close to looking a guy in the eyes next to out haveing to look down. Plus if a guy is high-ceilinged he have one smaller amount excuse for staring at my Chest while be trying to sermon. If hes shorter afterwards me economically its harder to preserve his eyes on my frontage when is frontage is Chest horizontal.

Does anyone know if it is nontoxic?

well the item is and dont bear this rudely girls want to surface resembling they are protected i expect seriously if u be a girl and u be 5"6, and the guy be 5"0 later would u perceive similar to ur dating ur younger brpther than a women, i parsimonious resembling me i am resembling 5"7-8 and its close to im simply 12 but seriously can u devise of how high-ceilinged i would be by dignified institution and its resembling i want to get the impression resembling i enjoy a guy who know what he is doing ,and i dont want to grain similar to im dating my younger brother!! but honestly size doesnt issue that much if he have the looks and self-esteem to spinal column it up lol.

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