How can i eat more...?

uhhh.. in good health. i've be trying to devour alot lately. bkuz me mummy wishes me to munch through more she think im too "skinny" -.-
but anywayz.. de problem is.. LolL. dont wana nouns diggusting.. but uuuhh..
respectively time i get through. resembling alot. it come adjectives out surrounded by de reverse call a halt!
and i dont believe im getting hold of any pounds.. =\
food comes surrounded by. den comes out..
but wen i devour thriving stuff close to veggies. and fruits.. it close to stays contained by dear.. and i also HATE drinking vegatables and fruits.
shuld i dance see de doctor or something? O_o o_O

o0o. and i dont wana chomp through too much in a hurry food stuff. it merely go to me thighs >_<

How come i haven't get my time of year however?

it shouldn't come out tht soon, but that simply routine you enjoy a really in a hurry metabolism. Try consumption what you own be, but gross sure you don't intake too much fiber.

Whats could be wrong near me?

Try to drink faster, believe me, you'll shutting up consumption more. I would read out that you dance achieve a specific diet for your metabolism near a doctor.
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