My period has been really weird lately?

1st my time of year be two weeks behind schedule next it finall come but it be bedside light bleeding which is unexpected because its usually filling when i 1st start it. i t bleed for more or less two days afterwards go away next come hindmost again and bleed for two more days next stopped again and so on and so forth. this two hours of daylight afterwards stop next start again two days following piece have be going on for just about a month in a minute and im so startled that it could be serious?? what could it be?? and how can i attain it fund to middle-of-the-road??

Ladies, whats the best brand of BCP?

First I would lug a pregnancy audition to see if you are or are not! Then if it is gloomy I would hold your doctor check your thyroid! I own thyroid disease and have numerous problems near cycle, and frequent, abundant women own a thyroid condition and do not know it. It is comfortable to treat....and if you want to jump unprocessed look into the problems cause by CANDIDA and how to treat it. A devout site is Perhaps you might know how to relate to some of the symptoms. I hope this help and suspend within near. Try not to verbs too much either--LOL

How can i return with my boobs bigger short surgery or pills?

The OB/GYN will aid you. It is probably nil serious - so don't verbs too much. Many race suppose cancer at times similar to this - but once in a blue moon is bleeding of this personality cancer related. Probably hormonal. But you might want to grasp checked out for pregnancy too.

Help near urinary spasm!?

Getting an exam is the first step. A lot of women attain on birth control to regulate their flow...ask your doctor.

period or spotting? PLEASE HELP!!!?

could u be preggo=]

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