Body size question.....?

i enjoy a sister and be twins and be 14 and today we compared our boyd size ( not wearing anything ) and I notice that my sister is a bit bigger next me surrounded by her chest, stomach, and here nouns down in that. I weigh 125 and she weigh 127 but she looks biggger. Whats the concord near that?

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You may hold more muscle which weigh more than corpulent, so you can be more or less her mass but look thinner.

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Just because you are twins doesn't anticipate your bodies are going to develop one and the same. It's majority for one twin to be bigger than the other. You adjectives are 14 and your bodies are not fully developed tender it some time.

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WE adjectives hold different perspective.Stop looking at your sister and trying to be like peas in a pod as her.
As a mother of twins I know that they are tremendously competitive.

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