About 1 to 1 1/2 weeks before my period I become extremely bloated in my stomach.?

In olden times year or so I've found surrounded by the week or week and a partially proceeding my time I become EXTREMELY bloated. But, it's single contained by my stomach. My stomach pops out to the point where on earth it looks close to I'm a few months pregnant- also it hurts to wear clothing next to a waist splash that touches my stomach at adjectives (I wear lots of hip huggers at this time). Also, my clothes stop fitting me around the waist, not basically my skinny pant, but even pant I own that are a size and partially too big. I've noted that my waist stripe grows almost 2 sizes back my interval, afterwards returns to regular in the region of 2 days after it have stopped. If my appearance be the simply issue I'd only just be some what embarassed and annoyed, but it also is extremely self-conscious. It hurts to sit for too long or (as I said earlier) to wear anything that even touches my stomach. Is this commonplace? Is in that any supplement or medecine I can bear to remodel it? Why did it start immediately? Any give a hand would be greatly appreciated.


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are you taking a birth control? it sounds resembling doomed to failure PMS, i own it in a minute i cant enlighten you how bloated i am! its ridiculous! anyways bc can lessen the effects of pms, i find when im on something it go away almost completely, except i filch a wet pill and that help abundantly. its outstandingly itchy at times and massively uncomfty. i consistency for you, i would have a word to your obgyn and see if she can take you on a low dose bc, it will give a hand abundantly, i get sick from alot of them but i loved the nuvaring no side effects in attendance. look into that one. hope that help.

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First, shift see a doctor and carry checked out simply to produce sure everything is conventional. That said, bloating previously your time is pretty adjectives -- it's usually from wet retention. There are a great deal of over-the-counter medication that are formulated to treat PMS, and most of them contain stuff that will give support to beside the bloating too. But since this only started up for you a year ago and it's unusual for you to experience this, you really should see a doctor as soon as possible newly to be on the protected side.

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You should communicate to an OB/GYN. You may enjoy PMDD or premenstrual dysphoric disordor. There are topical treatments for this disorder and your doctor can lend a hand.

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