After I go to the bathroom my vagine hurts.?

It in recent times started and I am not going to go to the doctor nonetheless. I am trying cream and am going to drink lots of cranberry liquid. Any other suggestions?

Do I own some features of disease?

what do you be determined it hurts? does it burn while you pee? how does your stomach perceive? bloated/distended? stomach-ache? how does your pee look and smell? how much and how commonly are you going? hold you check it out down at hand for any uncap areas? do you enjoy any discharge? any odor?

Stomach Cramps?

If you vagina is what hurts afterwards drinking cranberry liquid won't do any polite. You have need of to see the doc to find out what is going on. Never use a cream in that nouns minus knowing exactly what is going on or you could meander up cause more problems.

OKay i enjoy to bring a check up, what will hedo?

U probably own a urine infection, try have lots and lots of sea, that might help out. If it get worse, u might enjoy to see a doctor, but sometimes newly have seriously of marine help.

What is mild right pelviectasia and pelvic phleboliths on the moved out side.?

what does it consistency resembling? does it burn or smarting? i would shift to the doctor and drink lots and lots of hose.

Is it ordinary if.?

it's more contained by plausible a urine infection you should progress and see a doctor to exam you and check out what the problem is, once they do they Will treat you for it. so shift to the hospital.

I'm pretty sure i'm not pregnant but?

If you close-fisted it burns and you frequently urinate, it could be a bladder infection. Cranberry liquid and profusely of marine are a moral start. Otherwise, you might own slight abrasion on the outside, from anything. Neosporin and drying resourcefully after urination will assistance.

Please back me?

sometimes you can enjoy burning next to a yeast infection, but a bladder infection or std can result in discomfort as very well. drink marine instead of cranberry liquid and obtain to the doctor asap. i hope everything turns out okay!

kidney stones?

Don't clean near odorous soap's or shower gel it's most probable you own thrush or cystitis

Bra sizes confussed?

is within any secretion during the day/night? it's probably infection.. i would suggest using grease tub gel for better cleaning. such infections usually start because the enviroment is best for infectoins to grow. however, you must see a doc bout it. hopefully, it's zilch serious.

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Depending on your age it could be vaginal dryness.Try and lubricate yourself internally to see if thats where on earth the headache is coming from.Use plentifully of the product. If that doesn't work it could be that your bladder is irratated.Definitely run the cranberry capsule and drink lots of wet. If the cranberry is any perfect you should start response better in an hour, I promise.Make sure that you avoid consumption chocolate, strawberries, tomatoes including tomato sauce, green pepper, hot sauce, spices similar to ginger, and coffee or black tea,, Some of these foods enjoy oaxaltes within them and can irratate the bladder. Avoid taking a hot tub or using soap until you touch better.Good luck.

Can rectal bleeding be a sign of internal bleeding?

you might hold a blatter infection, or if you own sex, you may enjoy get a slight teat contained by the tissue which will really sting after you pee, i've have that appear plentifully after i've have sex that might hold be alittle to rough.

I enjoy never have sex but be wanting to gain on birth control. Do i want to budge to a gyno to obtain a prescription?

If it feel close to you constantly own to budge to the bathroom, and it feel resembling you own to move about BAD, approaching your gonna explode and when you generate it to the bathroom, one and only a touch urine comes out and it hurts after you finish, next thats definetely a bladder infection. Generally you necessitate to drink hose down and cranberry liquid, but to find it gone quicker you inevitability pills from your doctor.

Why do ethnic group nurture more something like the skinny anorexics than the heavier relations that are?

Sounds similar to you enjoy a bladder infection. Cranberry liquid won't cure it, but it will minister to to glibness the spasm for a while, but not much. You are gonna hold to see a Doc and carry a Rx for some antibiotics. That's the just entity that will cure it.

Whatever you do, don't drink sodas! It will create it worst! And budge see a Doc ASAP because everyday that go by, it will hurt worse and worse! :-(

Should I gain a breast augmentation? Do guys really perfectionism?

go to doctor!

is sex undisruptive during pregnancy if not dangerous what will be the precaution?

I hold this problem adjectives the time. Its an infection and you obligation to see a doctor pretty soon.

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