Provera tablets?

anyone used these tablets to help bring on their period and if the dr won't give them u can u recommend a site where on earth u can purchase them from! my periods be so regular until i had my infant in may, so can concieve afterwards i went from 7stone to 5.7stone in a minute 6stone, and since my periods enjoy gone! no sign and iwas bottle feeding aswell,!

we want to try for another tot but fear i am not ovulating, took the pill for 5 days end 2 mths and got a bleed this month be taking Evening primrose oil tablets and AC hoping that brings them on, so concrete not knowing what is happening! i suffer fromlow appetite so vast down i know it is my diet but i can't believe my body is so screwed up! i just want things fund to normal, the doctor did test on my body etc everything was fine! consequently i went posterior to ask them to see if i was ocualting but he said to come bak surrounded by 3 mths time, what tests can they do even if u hold don't have ur period!

spend every day thinking nearly it, driving me crazy!

Answers:    You really do not want to be buying hormonal tablets over the internet...hormone levels are drastically delicately suspended and you are risking your health if you try and thieve hormone tablets without medical supervision.

It can steal several months for periods to return after giving be precise normal even contained by women who are not breast feeding. It's nature way of trying to ensure women are not have too many babies too close together. You are of low consignment too which may play a part, habitually if a woman is underweight she finds her periods stop.

Go vertebrae to you doctor and let them know how much this is distressing you. They can check your hormone level and, if there is a problem, can refer you to a gynaecologist for investigations and / or treatment.I'm sure you will be ok though. It may also be worth asking for a referral to a dietician as you mention you hold a problem with your appetite. They should know how to work out a suitable diet for you that will help you gain for a time weight.

Good luck
u can't bring back it without a prescription from a doctor. There are inherent remedies you can try, vitamin stores should carry them. There are even creams that you put on spot on parts of your body that is supposed to assist.
The fastest way to bring your periods to regulate themselves is to start taking a birth control pill for a few months. After you stop taking it, your period should be more regular and you should get pregnant pretty quickly.
If your doctor refuse, find another doctor. It's YOUR body, you should have control over it.

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