Has anyone had periods for a whole month? plz help?

i aint wanna be in motion doctors they giv u pills which are unsafe n may stop u bleedin


My gf have desperate cramps, what do i do to facilitate her?

are you sure its a month? and not exaggerating? cos i've have it for 2 weeks once but it didn't arise again.

Unbearingly tired whats wrong?

If you own irregular period, the stongest entity they will put you on is birth control. No difficulty contained by that.

can you attain your interval 2 times surrounded by a month?

If you enjoy missed some period afterwards your subsequent term may be heavier and longer than the rest. But if you don't stop bleeding i.e. something serious. I dislike intensely seeing a doctor too, but explicitly your vigour on the string. I suppose the pills are smaller number danegrous than not doing anything roughly speaking it dear. I would contact a doc and every pill have some side effects..but mostly the basic basis for the tablets is to bring in you better. Good luck.

Question nearly robustness please abet me , I'm desperate!!?

you should know, my niece have that surface to her and she did not communicate anyone for a few weeks. the subsequent item she know she is self rushed to the hospital. what happen be, she have an infection that showed no other signs and she be in truth bleeding to demise. we almost lost her. So, I would articulate you should own already be to the doctors department! she have no view it be not really a term! it turned out OK but it be severely upsetting for a couple days near! the docs really did not know if she would live or not. she have lost that much blood!


Have you considered that it may be your contraception, I used to be on the injection and it made me bleed constantly, powerfully over a month. I'd defintely consider going to the doctor, they should be capable of find out what is cause it and if it's your contraception suggest an alternative form.

Do i weigh too much for my age?

Oh yeah, and even longer.
See your doctor formerly you become anemic, if you haven't already.
There are pills you could steal and if needed a D&C will help out too.
The crucial point is to find out why you enjoy it so long.
Good luck and touch better.

How frail be you when you lost your virginity?

One of my friends have this and it turned out she have chlamydia, one of the symptoms is prolonged bleeding. You do call for to stir to the doctors, they are at hand to relieve you. If you don't grasp some antibiotics to clear this us, it can front to infertility. I can promise you that no doctor will make a contribution you anything terrifying, or that you don't want.

What's cramps?

I have prolonged period. They are call Menorrhagia. I have period that never seem to terminate due to endometriosis. You may want to attain it looked at to brand name sure its not something similar to endometriosis and to be paid sure its not an STD or anything resembling that because you could become sterile and not know how to hold kids. Here is a website on prolonged period hope it help. It will share you what could be cause it and what will evolve at the doctor organization. Birth control wont stop your period for appropriate, but they may remove the colour them and slow them down.

Does anyone know anything just about whites from vagina?women pls facilitate!!?

Personally, I enjoy have mine twice in one month until that time. I too be fairly reluctant to stir and see the gyno, but contained by the long run I be amazingly lucky that I did because I have Cervical Dysplasia. It wasn't something serious at first... freshly something they looked-for to monitor. Though even further down the road, I be unlucky plenty to enjoy my mildly irregular cell turn into moderately nonstandard so accordingly I needed to own a procedure done.

In another defence, in reality occurring to my mother, she bled for two months. Her doctors could not numeral out what be wrong. After several test and hospital stays and visit subsequent it done up one that she be have an adverse repercussion to the birth control that she be on.

Great info on dysplasia .

How do you know?

a month is a long time, please trust the gp and turn, it could be something serious, you wont know unless you dance

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