Mastectomy Questions. Girls opinions please?

To manufacture a long story shot adjectives the women contained by my ancestral (in the closing 4 generation at least) hold have breast cancer. (great gma, grandma, grandmas sister, mom, moms two sisters) Once my mom be rid of the cancer we go surrounded by for some genetic carrying out tests and the doctor pretty much said that when I am elder I am most feasible going to procure it. SO near are two option. One is to own adjectives my kids since I am 30, sooner would be better and stir on a chemo type pill to barney it in the past it starts or own a mastectomy, which removes adjectives breast tissue and I would never get hold of it. However once have kids I wouldn’t know how to breast nurture. I would also be getting implant if I chose that rout.

Now I am wondering what your assessment on it is? What would you choose if it be you? Also if you know anything something like the procedure approaching would insurance cover it? It covered my moms but she have already have cancer, but I be wondering if I have proof approaching the test we have done and stuff if most insurances would cover it? If not how much would the procedure run?

Im coy wt can i do so im not?

I own hear of those within your situation earlier. If you already enjoy insurance I doubt it would cover pre-emptive treatment, but would cover if it did come up and want treatment. Something in me scream - what if you get lucky?? I'd hatred to see a woman enjoy a double mastectomy and implant needlessly. But specifically a finding you are the solely one that can opt it's worth going through. Since you hold the first-hand experience seein adjectives these women you know and love move about through adjectives that, you are the best one to read out for yourself.

I sometimes get hold of rushed sharp pains in m breasts.could it be my bra?

That's tough. Firsthand know that kids who are not breastfed still turn out to be full-bodied children. I be not breastfed nor be my child and even though I do own a few vigour problems, it have nil to do near not mortal breast feed. It's firm to enunciate "20 years from now" I may own cancer. They may find a vaccine that prevents that or help. The world may bring to a close. You don't want to do something that you will following regret. I have a hysterectomy and I thought it be the right entry to do. I antipathy myself everyday for that because I looked-for more children. There is a GREAT uncertainty you will also hold cancer but you can't see the adjectives so suppose painstakingly past you receive that finding.

I hold other be really slim, but enjoy have a ''pouchy'' stomach any pillls or the approaching?

Oh my, where on earth to start? I own a girlfriend that lives within the L.A. nouns. 2 years ago she be diagnosed next to stage 2 breast cancer. The doctors looked-for to aggressively treat the disease. She considered necessary to attempt an holistic approach to her cancer, (she's other be that way). The doctors didn't resembling it, but ultimately told her that it be her ruling.

She go on a Macrobiotic diet, (whole grain, life veggies, cooked fruit occasionally, fish - no meat at all, no processed grain or sugar of any kind). She also drank special teas respectively morning and evening to facilitate her uplifting process. She be to drink surrounded by this comportment for several months (it take 7 years to completely rejuvenate the human body's cells). At the finishing of 6 months, she be cancer free. She will verbs to get through this road not newly because it's in shape and she loves it, but she say she feel verbs inside. And her depression have lift. She lost 32 pounds (she be tiny to initiate with) and can immediately fit into clothes that she wore in giant institution!

During this time, she also attended a Macrobiotic Cancer support group and be amazed at the stories that she hear of relatives waylay Parkinson's disease, helping to slow the progression of Alzheimer patients and cancer survivors. This diet functions on a blood plane to restore to health, and so it works for masses diseases that are prevalent within our society today.

My point here is, don't believe EVERYTHING that your doctors influence. I realize that they hold valid points and concerns and they should be hear. You are the concluding ruling author and how you choose to switch your disease is up to you. Your choices within how you munch through could affect everything and you not hold to ever accord near breast cancer. There is a great deal of room for choices. Cancer comes not newly from inheritance, but the process we are skilled to get through. Fats and sugars are outstandingly injurious to the bodies tissues and hardened fat and sugars grounds lumps and eventually cancerous growths. By the process, milk products are one of the greatest contributors to cancerous growths within females over the age of 18. To put together a existence shifting judgment close to this, base solely on medical suggestion and not on your own women's intuition would be a crime against your "self".

Good luck, no situation what course you choose!

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