Infection after childbirth?

i had my daughter demonstration 27th and the sunday after that i had to own a d&c for left over stuff and i have infection because of it. that has be over 3 weeks ago. and the last couple of days im enjoy discharge again and foul smelling dischrage. and bad lower abdominal cramps. have anyone else ever had this,


Women, be you unable to enjoy orgasms when you were younger but are competent to know?

I would recommend that you get final in to see your doctor as soon as possible. There's apparently something going on that needs further attention to detail.

Of if your doctor can't see you, get yourself to the ER or an Urgent Care Center. An infection (which it sounds approaching you still have or own redeveloped) is nothing to fool next to.

Good luck.

Why has youthful pregnancy in the amalgamated states increased since the 1950's?

I suggest you make a trip to your nearest hospital, They will see you straight away. 3 week's is far to long . Go today

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