What are some things that might cause gummy blood?

My ex-mother-in-law is taking blood thinners for her thick blood. Yet, she does not know what might be the do of it. The doctor she is using really has not told her what is cause it just that she have a rare blood condition. Any philosophy as to what it might be?

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in that are several processes that cause hyper-coagulation. Dehydration is the most simple explanation, but if she have a rare blood condition, consequently that is what she have.if she wants to know more roughly it, then she desires to sit down with the doctor and emergency an explanation she can understand, explicitly one of the jobs the doctor is supposed to do,


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The woman need not know adjectives that much detail as long as she follows her doctor's advice. There really is no such point as thick blood, and "blood thinners" really don't thin the blood. Calling a pills a "blood thinner" is an unfortunate throwback to an era wherein physicians automatically figure patients were too ill-informed to get more technical lingo.
What such drugs to is prolong the clotting time, in hopes of protecting patients from blood clots, more formally known as a thrombus. If that thrombus, which forms within distal veins (usually contained by the legs), begins to move, beconming what's set as an embolus, it can go places where on earth it can cause great wrong - as when it blocks blood to the lungs, the heart or the brain.
That "rare blood condition" cannot be cured; it can solely be treated. If the patient is diligent within complying with the doctor's instructions, she should be capable of live a reasonably long and relatively comfortable duration.

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