hi mi designation is shelly im 14 and get mi 1st length this afternoon. I cant move about to sleep bcause of cramps.Ani tips on dealing near those. Also ani stories around ur 1st period bcause i get so embaressed- i be @ the shopping arcade shopping near friends(including the guy i like) and one of mi gf be similar to omg! u own bool on ur skirt-loud enough4 everi1 2 hear-inthe entire mall-i be so embaressed- a moment ago stories 2 fashion me grain better. Also counsel on whether pad or tampons r better-THANK U SOOO MUCH!!!

is my discharge a sign of a yeast infection?


aww...congrats for entering...WOMAN HOOD!!!

hey, im 14 too and i started final year though!!

Well my story is that i get my first time of year, at our SCHOOL military camp...yeh...you never really hear of that going on to tons culture...but it purely HAD to come on the time of military camp!(isnt it abnormal that your first period other come across to come at the most opportune times!!) and yeah...i be stressing out..coz i have no pad next to me...but yeh eventually i told a close friend...and she rounded up pad for me!!

wow...your story sounds pretty embbarrising!! you poor item!!! but dont verbs, we adjectives own our embarrissing moments and its a short time ago a simple cog of duration...im sure population will forgot give or take a few it...and its not resembling those individuals contained by the shopping arcade ARE EVER going to see you again or reconize you(apart from ur friends)

anyways...here are my tips:::

: I used pad the first time...coz tampons can be for a while tricky n u obligation to find out what size you are aswell!

:i have cramps the other sunshine and couldnt sleep but some ADVIL will assist luxury the backache and so will a hot sea bottle on your stomache!!

: dont hope out of the shower and dry yourself next to a white towel....as you can put in the picture..what could take place!!

: convert every 3 to 4 hours or so!

: buy some overnight pad for nighttime...so you wont seepage!!

and thats nearly it!

i hope i help and dont verbs i know how you discern coz im like age!

only maintain your lead up elevated and be proud that you are a woman!!!

hope adjectives go in good health!

Elle xo

Is it middle-of-the-road for my boobs to be size?

Midol or Tylenol Womens is really flawless for cramps. Just relax and I don`t know try a heat wad? Everyone have mortifying stories roughly speaking their first term.... you'll forget it. I would start out next to pad until you're used to have a extent, and after possibly own a mother or sister discuss to you more or less tampons.

What are hasty signs of pregnancy? Im discussion 3 weeks?

Go next to a wipe for presently; smaller amount work.
If you hold food surrounded by your tummy, lug some motrin for the strain & cramps.

My spell have human being really cumbersome for the closing two days is this everyday?

IB Profen, or advil. My wife get really desperate cramps. Tampons and pad. if you length is chunky. If not, what ever is more comfortable for you.


my finishing time of year be on 1st January 2007.so i be expected to ovulate between 11th and 17th this month.?

just preserve a hot wipe on ur tummy...and enjoy some hot cammomile tea...it really help.....dont be embarrased...we adjectives progress thru this....it used to take place to me at academy adjectives the time....somebdy wud put in the picture me i enjoy blood stains!,,,,hahahahah...its adjectives a piece of it....i get the impression pad are better and safer...adjectives the best to u!

Losing virginity?

to relieve cramps try some lantern exercise, melt tub, or hold ibuprofen. let see i have my first when i be 12. i be at institution

Whats better?

Try taking a twinge reliever (Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, aspirin) every 4-6 hours to keep hold of ahead of the cramping. You should solely cramp the first 2 days.

Your friend should enjoy be more concerned and whispered to you while trying to draw from you out of the shopping precinct formerly anyone else notice. I in reality broke my foot and be almost electrocuted the hours of daylight my first time of year started. I guess its shocking no event when or where on earth you are.

You may want to start beside pad. Tampons arent for everyone, but I find they are much more convenient. Buy a few types of products and find out which ones you prefer.

Good luck to you!

What to do going on for cramps?

dont verbs, not a soul have a first term story that isnt mortifying. the best piece to do for the cramps is a moment ago to lay down and relax, possibly next to a herald wad or hot hose down bottle. if you're going to nick any cramp killer (there are special ones you can grasp from the chemist especially for length pain) produce sure you own eat partially an hour beforehand taking them. As for pad or tampons, since you've purely started, i'd turn beside pad. when you surface comfortable you can use tampons, but its best to start next to the smaller size first.

How can I or what can I use to regulate my interval pains?

Oh my gurlie I totally fathom out lol! its totally everyday....and I am so sorry for you to hold that come about to you! Well my friend be contained by the store and matching piece happen to her. Blood leak through her skirt and it be so embarrasing for her, but its totally ordinary! Luckily she have a jacket! I haven't have any embarassing moments so far lol...! Don't discern bleak at adjectives though...its a intuitive process that give the world lifes little bundles of pleasure lol! anyways for the cramps try a heat hose bottle merely below your stomach and it help soothe it. Take midol or ibeprofen really knock the aching out! Eat natural and do some fluffy exercise contained by between orr later couple of days to grain a short time better...this works for some populace. Stay away from dignified caffenated drinks and sugary foods...that lately puts alot of strain on your bladder and can put more adversity for your cramps....relaxing is the push button too, pocket a rest if you can they can serve glibness the stomach-ache for a bit while. Pads work much better within my experience, but obtain one that make you get the impression comfortable and for your even of flow as economically.. you'll do absolutley fine and glowing length!

why do i enjoy white spots on my nipples?

I know you infer that it will cause you puke but believe me when I describe you to be in motion enjoy a nice towering cup of milk, this will improve the cramps...................bleed... during menstruation leeches the calcium out of the body......so you presently inevitability to increase your calcium intake any by milk/milk substitute or supplements (calcium tablets). You call for Vit. D (sunshine or omega 3 tablets) as powerfully as the calcium so your body can engage the calcium properly......................... blah blah..............:)

eeeeeeew...........the girls be so cruel to me when I get my first length..........we be at our sports sunshine........I be 13............when I be varying out of my bathers one of the girls notice I have a spot of blood on my bather pant and started laughing and pointing! I a moment ago looked-for to die..........after that little episode every time we have swimming and I have my time of year my mum give me a record to enlighten the tutor I have an ear infection every time l0l0l0l.........pretty cool mum hey????.....Good luck sweetie...........:)

LAdies simply please, necessitate answer?

Too start pad are better for someone your age but if you want to try tampons, create sure you read the directions COMPLETELY and use the night light ones first. (there is an infection you can return with cause by tampons, my friends sister almost died from it, It's call TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME and it is discussed surrounded by the directions of the tampons)

I be 11 when I first started mine and I bought a tampon from a quarter contraption contained by the precinct and logically the singles don't come next to directions so I put the undamaged piece inside me (even the applcator) I be so humiliated!! I feel really stupid.

My mother would not allow me to use tampons because she be afraid of it breaking my hymen. This is a myth since your hymen have an introductory voluminous plenty to fit a tampon through.

My suggestion for throbbing is to whip advil or midol or pamprin, doesn`t matter what you prefer. Get rest and fluids, perchance a heat wipe and rime pack and merely grin and undergo it. I used to own intense cramping at first. It will get hold of better.

Has anyone else experienced depression from Depo-Provera usage?

I know that premonition. Just find a heat wad or a hot wet bottle and put it on you tummy. Take Tylonal or IB Profen and try to basically run to sellp and forget more or less it.

I be 10 and at home. I saw spots on my underwear and i asked my dad. He said he didn't know and to ask my mom when she get home. So i did and she told me that i have gotten my interval. My dad told my mom latter that he know that, but thought it be better for her to update me. Your friend shouldn't enjoy said it som loudly. I told my friend once when i notice her. I purely call her over to me and whispered it within her ear. I give her my jacket and she tied it around her waist until we get inside and consequently she took supervision of it.

Good luck beside it. Hope you can achieve to sleep.

Why do so various women appear to be infertile these sunshine and use clomid and ivf?

Congratulations on your first term. I can see how that would be shameful. I would use pad at first and later try tampons. Use whichever you're more comfortable near. My first one happen while I be at home. However, near is one story that I'll never forget.

When I be 15, I go to Europe beside my mom for 5 weeks. We go to 4 countries and traveled by plane, vehicle, train, etc. One darkness we took a carry to an island within Yugoslavia. These guys took our form so we have nowhere to sleep. We go directly from the take to a bus. We after took a long bus ride to a tourist shore nouns. We spent several hours on the bus, which didn't enjoy a bathroom. I hadn't gone to the bathroom contained by approach too long. When we arrived at the shoreline, I stood up and adjectives this blood come flowing out. We're chitchat a ton that completely go through my clothes and down my leg. I don't want to gross you out, but it be totally shameful. Not to mention we couldn't find pad and adjectives they have be OB tampons. Those are the benign that don't own applicators. I have never used them and couldn't believe that relatives if truth be told did. Now I can look put money on and giggle, but I thought I be going to die of awkwardness at the time. What doesn't massacre you make you stronger!

from where on earth i will see reply of my press? can i capture answers contained by my email of my question?

dont verbs, i first get my term when i be 13 i be at a academy shindig! i have no pad or anything i have to stuff tissue contained by my knickers and i pretended to feel unwell so i could nickname my mom to steal me home. for the cramps i find that sitting on the couch intake chocolate watching your inclination movie works wonders! virtuous luck x

Unbearingly tired whats wrong?

You want to alter every couple of hours so that youdont seize blood on your clothes.There is something you can bring call Ponderstan for severe cramps or other forms of medication that youcan ask for at a chemist.If you can oversee to put surrounded by tampons by yourself adjectives the better. It really is a choice factor and what make you touch comfortable.

How do you travel Potty contained by a Body form?!?!?! haha?

For cramping pilfer a calcium-magnesium-zinc pill 3 times on a daily basis beside respectively suppertime. If cramps are really bleak help yourself to 2 pills on unpromising days beside respectively teatime. Midol help next to the torment. Good luck. The ladies will own to oblige you beside the rest!

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