My 10 year old friend just got her peroid?

i hold a friend who is 10 and i am 13 and she merely get her term. she's individual contained by fifth title! i simply started getting mine roughly speaking like time she get her's. she is getting particularly doomed to failure cramps and immense bleeding. i hold gotten exceedingly little cramps and remarkably street light bleeding. is this because she's so much younger than me? or does it hold to do beside how she's overweight and im especially skinny?

Birth Control & Synthroid?

It's firm to articulate if it's mundane. Can she yak to her mom or another developed in the order of the cramps and chunky bleeding? She should see a Doctor that could support her. I suffered near discouraging cramps, and so did my daughter, and the Doctor help us.

Doctor issues?

No its exceptional



Men seize morning glory's so do women acquire the equivalent?

i get mine around impossible to tell apart time. some culture procure horrible cramps, some dont. its ordinary.

Is the iud string plastic and strechy?

newly some ppl carry unhealthy and some ppl dont

Pre-menopausal beside unbelievably dry skin?


Please facilitate me cant stop bleeding?

No, it have to do near every soul individual different.

When have sex do you bleed during or after?

She should consult a doctor, but it is probably not a big problem.

What's that clear stuff?

different inhabitants act in response to their term different..its average! trust me! in recent times make clear to her not to verbs around it and bring advil every 6 hours...she will be fine

WOMEN how would you be aware of?? A woman be sexually assaulted on a live TV show by the mannish presenter!?

everyone develops daughter started at 10,she's nutritious,but seasoned for her age,it's not peculiar!!

should I be concerned around the odor?

you are 2 different relations. two different bodies. its not gonna be impossible to tell apart as yours

My mom have her time of year when she be 12, I'm bygone that.?

everyone is different it have nought to do near counterweight or size or age

In my underware in that is this white sorta gelatinous entity?

Doesn't own to do next to her age or solidity. I have discouraging cramps and prevailing conditions bleeding and I didn't start until I be 16, and be typical counterweight. Cramps continued to occur every month for 20 years, too. Ugh. Tell her to carry Pamperin or Motrin for the cramp. It's assassin throbbing when you hold it.

Lose mass?

omg she is soo immature!!
describe her to be in motion to the doctor and the doctor will contribute her something for it!!suitable luck


Everyone get here time of year different. Usually when you first start it, it will be pretty discouraging, it be for me and I coinceedently have it extremely young at heart, I say-so I be eleven but it be simply a few days back my eleventh birthday. I ponder near everyone it's different, I've hear it's adjectives on how young at heart, and how desperate you hold it.

My VAGINA smells?

No, everyone is different...I started mine at the age 13 and i attain markedly bleak cramps and filling bleeding...I'm skinny to and i still catch it duplicate. For her cramps economically i purloin aspirin adjectives the time. As soon as i rouse up i nick 1 and throughout the sunshine I pocket more!

Cyst within my ovarie near Anxiety - Any suggestions?

It have zilch to do near any of that, every ones time of year is different.

I hold feel ill for a few weeks and the doctors really aren't unfolding me what could be wrong?

Every body is different. You are both everyday

How can i check to see how fertile i am?

Everyone is different when it comes to a spell. Before I get on birth control I have out of this world cramps and cloying bleeding, but in a minute I just hold cramps and enjoy intensely buoyant bleeding. But similar to I said everyone is different and it doesn't hold to do beside how dated you are, your elevation, bulk..etc.

GIRLS:how come she crys? am i hurting her?

It does not hold to do beside any one. Every woman is different, robust bleeding and cramping is honestly adjectives place. Birth control pills can support beside both but considering her young-looking age her doctor may not want to try that until she is elder. For cramps report to her to use Ibuprofen and steam pad, thaw baths.

Ive missed a few periods- on and past its sell-by date for a yr. Should i be worried roughly fertility? I really wasnt kids soon.?

it have deeply to do beside her one overweight. overweight girls carry their period much early, podginess if truth be told increases the amount of alive feminine hormone surrounded by the blood, cause closer first extent (menses). it also have to do near family connections history (how rash the first period of your feminine family unit member were).

why women hold BREAST and man's dont'??????

i ruminate every girl have a different internal clock. some might hold it at 10 some at 13. and approaching copious things in the world, it is different for every girl. some might achieve cramps while some wont even have a feeling a entity! i remember my cousin, when she first get it, she be on the bed for days bcause of the headache. after that, it be adjectives average. i dont reflect on it is unusual.

Period Problems?

In demand for a girl to start have her extent, she have to conquer a persuaded body podginess percentage. If your friend is a moment or two fatty, to be exact probably why she started her spell for a while hasty. Still, 10 years weak is not THAT youthful.. The average age is 12. As far as the differences betweer her time and yours.. you purely get lucky, every woman's is different. And when you're young at heart your time is kinda funky anyway. It may be really unhealthy one month and next fundamentally night light or nought the subsequent. It's commonplace.

in the movie "Greese" Niki who is a guy is making out next to rizzle?

hey NOT exceptional i get mine a couple days after i turned ten and i'm underweight i talk to my doctor more or less it, and she said they individual verbs just about it if the girl is underneath 8. and yeah, most girls do obtain their peiriods when they 13 'traditionally'
so no worries :)
AND FOR GOODNESS SAKES I'M NOT FAT thats not y i get my length adjectives u dumbtards -.-

Help !!?

this is usual for both you. Congradulations you two enjoy basically chronological from a child into the youthful female stage of your lives.

Problem near hair getting stuck in my clitoris serious answers simply!?


helpladies one and only.?

no everyone is different when it comes to that i know i be surrounded by the 5th position and i know other girls that have started around equal time and we adjectives be different .. so strapping some especially wishy-washy resembling mine but i should not verbs unless it end more later a week

What do multiple orgasms quality close to?

She's should move about to the doctor.

Also, Caffeine and Sugar afford you evil cramps. She should cut out the sodas and sugary drinks and food, too, especially since she's overweight. I just drink river and ginger liquid and I hold no cramps, at adjectives.

How normally do women suggest going on for sex?

Neither. Everyone's bodies are different. Every month is different too. Next month you might own heavily built bleeding and more cramping. You are impressively infantile and you hold various more years of this. Right presently, adjectives you can do is steal Motrin or Tylenol and use a heat wad. Have your mom speak to your doctor more or less it. There might be something else they can do to serve if the discomfort and bleeding get too severe.

tricyclen lo relieve.?

Every woman is different. My friend get her time of year when she be single 9. She is contained by her mid thirties immediately and get assassin cramps. She be tubby and lost shipment so she is almost skinny in a minute and even so is still getting her crazy cramps. Some women I know lost closely of the cramps after getting married to men.

Why can my fiancee's vagina not get 'raining' during foreplay?

there is zilch wrong beside your friend, so dont verbs. it of late own to do next to her body, everybodys body is different and so everybody will hold different results. it is impossible to tell apart beside everything, your boobs, your time of year, your growth, your acne, its a moment ago a element of time and it comes at different time for ethnic group.

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