I have felt nauseous for a few weeks and the doctors really aren't telling me what could be wrong?

k so it started out near constant headache and after those go away and in a minute i own feel nausouse and it comes and go every couple days and i am sick of it the doctors newly said to move my diet but i own and i really don't infer my diet is the problem i am in truth kindof worried that it could be something seriouse incentive i don't usually newly get hold of nauseated for no point if anyone know why i could be nauseated please relieve and no i am not pregnant i already have a testing for that please single seriouse answers

Vagina Help..Women Only Please.?

Have they mentioned anything roughly speaking a Gastrointestinal disease? Such as:
Crohn's Disease
Intestinal Obstruction
Irritable Bowel
Or some of the below perchance?
Infection some where on earth within the body
Postnasal drip(sinus infection, allergies)
Food Allergies, close to allergic to wheat, milk(diary)etc... Pancreatitis
Hepatitis - nausea is an precipitate sign of hepatitis even back any jaundice.
I know that I am sick to my stomach everyday and I hold to constantly transport medication for it. I hold Crohn's Disease and several other intestinal problems. Also if you own sour reflux, this can brand name you nauseated.
I know you would entail specific test done contained by command for the doctor to find the result in of your nausea and if it is related to some of the above. I would ask to be sent to a specialists such as a Gastoenterologist. They would be your best bet on finding why you are nauseated and making you better! Do You hold any other symptoms bar the headache a while support, resembling low-grade disorientation, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation? If you enjoy some other symptoms that walk along beside the nausea, it may be easier to recount what the produce may be. I aspiration you the best of luck and I hope that you perceive better soon. I know what it is resembling to be sick and constantly going to the doctor and they don't abet or don't find out what is wrong!! It took them until I be 27yrs hoary and deathly sick, surrounded by the hospital, weigh with the sole purpose 93lbs up to that time I be finally diagnosed near Crohn's disease. Just don't make available up, maintain going and insist they transport you to a specialist and own the critical test done to find the correct diagnosis! Go to this site for some other info that may be caring and Please steal diligence and God Bless!

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It could be stress...I be sick for 8 months from stress - the docs run every try-out within the world on me and it be stress!

Hope you have a feeling better soon.

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If you enjoy any other symptoms you can dance to
webmd.com and do the symtom checker.

It sounds close to a stomach entity but who know...

Your doctor really should listen to you, and if you own a emotion something is wrong, reflect more or less going to a different docor.

I hope you get the impression better.

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I don't know. Diet is probably the individual answer they could come up near. It could be your brass neck bladder. With appendicitis, the spasm is constant, so that is to say ruled out. It is any your diet (if you devour an seedy one) or possibly your cheek bladder.

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You have need of an MRI of your digestive tract and a stomach empty exam.
I would recommend you dance see a competant GI doctor.
Gastro Intestinal.

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Are you feeling thirst? That would rationale headache and nausea as if your drunk lately curious it could of late be nerves as resourcefully.

PLease answer, this is SO wierd, im terrified?

my guidance would be to receive a different doctor. It could be zilch or it could be something big. I know that for a time I have sudden chest pains and swore it be my heart, but it turned out to be gas contained by my intestines (likely due to constapation :p) But have headache and intuition naseua usually isn't tremendously apposite. I would step to a different doctors organization, communicate them what's up next obtain their belief. If they let somebody know you impossible to tell apart entry, try it.

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Did the doctors do a nonspecific blood testing? Not for pregnancy, but only just a nonspecific blood testing? A simple blood tryout could let somebody know deeply.

Well, it could be anything. What hold you done differently for the end few weeks? Did you buy a different mattress/sofa? Some relations achieve sick from brand new mattresses because of the fire retardant chemicals. Did you start taking any medication or vitamins? Both could inflict nausea. Are you consumption more snacks? Many snacks contain preservatives that can basis headache (migraines... and those grounds nausea). Did you move into a foreign place? Are you getting plenty liquid? Any bug bites (bug, spider, mosquito)? Any clean sexual partner in the second few months?

It sounds approaching migraines, but simply a doctor would know. Make sure you carry plenty liquid and potassium. Just guzzle ably as the doctor say, and if you can remember any changes/additions surrounded by your energy in the final month/month & a partly, mention it to your doctor if you surmise it could be a do. Allergies can also do headache and nausea. If your doctor hasn't already, enjoy him/her distribute you a nonspecific blood tryout. Try not to verbs, I know it's tough not to verbs when you don't know what's going on, but trust me, worrying won't construct the nausea any better. Best of luck to you, and I hope you discern better soon!

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If you ate plentifully of unwanted items food until that time you saw a doctor, and next changed your diet after you saw him/her, your body could be adjust to the change. Personally, I come up with its like mad of stress. Try taking some time out of your sunshine and relax, even its basically taking sedative breaths-cant spell

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hormonal change and stress can trademark you sick to your stomach. They can over stimulate the vegal rudeness which controls the amount of bitter that dumps into your stomach. A interview call an "upper G.I." is a virtuous start to create sure things are OK internally to rule out swelling, or any other anomalies. Heliobactor pylori microbes is another culprit that upsets your stomach.and can incentive ulcer. A blood trial can be done to determine this. Gall bladder can also motivation upset stomach. Ultrasound is used to rule out anomalies nearby.

These are a few suggestions to purloin to your doctor. Sometimes you enjoy to supply them something to turn on! Also, if you don't discern your current doctor is doing satisfactory, see another one. One that practices Internal tablets (there are many) would be a fitting start.
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