Please Help.....?

Im an 11 year out-of-date girl...and i know im not elderly plenty for yahoo..but i have need of to ask a cross-question....

I newly started my interval and im wanting chocolate really unpromising! i simply dont want to ask anybody to budge acquire me chocolate (i dont wanna ask my dad) because its a touch embarssing because im trying to maintain the certainty that im on my peroid away from my dad (AKA trying to hang on to it on the DL). My dad doesnt necessitate to know! what should i do?

Do I hold irregular period? Is this adjectives?

Everyone desires a candy public house very soon and than! No big do business asking your dad to capture you some candy when he go to the store! Just report to him you deserve a treat for your great grades at conservatory, or possibly for doing adjectives your chores at home! Well, you sorta hold the impression of what I am adage....I doubt immensely much he is going to connect chocolate near you mortal on your extent!! He's your dad, but he's also a MAN!!!

If my boobs are still growing is here a accidental that I am?

go buy some

I want material warning pllleeease!?

Having you interval is a typical entity why not speak about your parent. If you detail him why you want the chocolate afterwards he would probably would be in motion go and get it for you. Then the subsequent time that you enjoy a craving you will not be so feeling shame to ask he will know why you want it beside no question asked.

How do u seize rid of cramps?

Just speak you want something sweet, approaching articulate Hershey's chocolate. You probably enjoy some chocolate around the house anyway, even newly chocolate chips piece pretty worthy. They're approaching mini Hershey's kisses! Yeah, I'm a pretty big chocoholic myself...

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