What is an anal orgasm?

I read this somwhere and is this true and close to what does it perceive close to. sorry yall I dont niggardly to nouns stupid or gross any.

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I'm not sure if this is what you parsimonious but when you orgasm from anal sex it is a more intense attitude as the penis is pushing into the vertebrae wall of the vagina through the anus. It feel like as an when you orgasm from have your g-spot stimulated

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i am one and the same party who ask roughly speaking the low womb i am 26 and hold one tot who is three so is this run of the mill?

i would really approaching to know also

Need some serve girls.?

Anal orgasm? That is topical to me...sorry though NOTHING is going up my @ss!

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i have a sneaking suspicion that its when you own an orgasm from a penis mortal within your butt.........

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No diffrent than vaginal orgasm females experiance in recent times instead it sexual pleasure thru the anus .

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If you haven't hear it formerly, the biggest sex organ is the brain. That's where on earth kinky general public come within. The brain think something is sexy and the body help the brain out.

If someone is convinced anal stimulation is a turn on, it will be. For the feminine, the stimulation triggering the orgasm is impossible to tell apart as any other orgasm, but the further kinky contact pushes you over.

For the mannish, within is an actual bonus carton. The prostate, a walnut sized organ, is accessable up the poop chute. The prostate is the essense of the mannish orgasm. The penis and brain trigger it, but the prostate cause it.

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I be told once that its resembling have a enema you catch that positive rush of flow when your have an*l sex it certainly make you want to crap while doing it or straight away afterwords

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