Is it "wrong" that I'm not taking birth control? What are your thoughts on this?

My boyfriend & I live together, we are sexualy helpful & enjoy be for the recent past 2 years. I don't pilfer birth control & never hold. He wear protection every time.

The point I'm asking this interview is because, adjectives of my girlfriends are on birth control (that I know of) & they adjectives hold side effects from it... such as most important mass gain and acne.
This is the pretext I enjoy stayed away from birth control - In foreboding that it's going to own strange effects on my body, and I don't want that.

So, contained by your inference, do you mull over that it's ok if I verbs sex using men's protection solely, and not birth control?

Your thoughts on this are appreciated...

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Oh nearby's nil wrong near it. In certainty, that's a better arrangement than taking the pill adjectives the time.

Birth control is expensive and also they own closely of side effects, because you're altering your hormones. I don't contemplate seriously of girls pocket that into consideration when they draw from on the pill. It's a contraceptive, but it also alters your hormones surrounded by a big route and that's not something to be taken delicately.

Although the pill is more decisive than condoms, near's really certainly nil wrong next to you using condoms every time to some extent than you individual on the pill. As long as both you and your boyfriend are ok near the arrangement, within's nil wrong near it within my judgment.

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You aren't individual casual, you are still using some form of birth control. I wouldn't vote its "wrong" at adjectives. The reasoning bringing up the rear your choice NOT to bear it is allowable. Its your sex duration, you own weigh the option and contracted what works best for you and your boyfriend...that's adjectives that matter.

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I am surprised by your reason for not taking the pill. In certainty BC pills own be used to treat acne! And, according to the Mayo Clinic, "women normally blame the birth control pill for counterbalance gain. But studies enjoy shown that the effect of the birth control pill on freight is small — if it exists at all."

Condoms are not other effectual (no contraception is) so if you are positively sure that you are geared up to adopt a pregnancy surrounded by the event that it occur later hold on to doing what you enjoy be. If you are unwary, later why not impart the pill a try? If your partner is free of STDs, condom free sex may be more pleasurable for both of you. You could also use the pill surrounded by conjunction beside the condom for double payment. Talk to your Gyn or doctor nearly the pros and cons of the pill for you.

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You hold valid reason for your thoughts. The most exalted point is that you are using some form of protection. In the conclusion the single party who's belief contained by this matter (besides yours) is your boyfriend's.

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as long as you are ok near getting pregnant since at hand is a much sophisticated destiny that you will. doesn't expect that you will but it does plan that you can. so if you are ok near that afterwards why bother beside the pill.

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I don't believe here's anything "wrong", although in attendance are further steps you could pinch. It's great that you use a condom every time, but you may want to consider a non-hormonal backup resembling a diaphragm or sponge. Everyone's different, hormonal birth control doesn't appeal to everyone and that's ok.

Ladies individual?

If you're both sunny, it's surefire!! :D

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There are plenty of woman who do not use bc and are still sexually live. That is your personal nouns.

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you should only just be aware that sometimes condems break, sometimes sperm still go and get through, so if you are of a mind to rob that risk consequently your fine. its a small coincidence, but if it happen its a huge resposibility. speech to your doctor and discuss what types of birth control you can steal and which ones possibly own smaller quantity side effects. birth control is a really worthy passageway to prevent unwanted pregnancy. you could other try it out and if the side effects are too desperate, consequently quit. but your body is different from your friend's body. some ppl gain weightiness, others dont. you will never know unless you try

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Condoms enjoy a 2-3% ffailure rate, so surrounded by a sense, you are playing Russian roulette. Why not try the pill and see if you own the side effects that concern you. Think.are you prepared to enjoy children? If not, use adjectives precautions available. What's a few pound compared to taking on the raise of a child for 18 years?

How do u know?

I conjecture you are true on this, I used to lug yasmin and I get so wrong, bloated, swelling in adjectives my body really all my body. My blood pressure go up. sickening.
I stopped it, and I'm not have any bc anymore, we are going next to the condom and I chew over I will return with the mirena IUD, but as you know bc pills, are hormones and are no accurate for you as resourcefully as the disorders they exact and mybe cancer.
I focus you're doing in good health, within my experience

Good luck! ;D

How does it surface?

If your using protection and individual risk-free, birth control is surplus to requirements. It might be a apt theory though. You enjoy to weigh your option. Baby or Acne/weight gain.

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I muse that as long as you're of a mind to adopt the certainty that you're not 100% nontoxic and are feeling like to angle a tot or contribute it up for adoption, afterwards who care what other population have an idea that.

You should know that every BCP have a different plane of hormones & so does every they affect respectively individual differently. I've taken several pills in need a single side effect, and hold taken another that's nearly kill me.
I one-sidedly don't resembling the concept of taking a BCP but it's medically vital, so I don't enjoy a choice.
It's your go, as long as you realize that movements enjoy consequences and you are predisposed to live near those, do anything you want.

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Talk to your doctor almost ALL the types of birth control. Many don't enjoy side effects. Condoms are fitting but not 100%. It merely take a pinhole to gain you pregnant. Are you prepared for the time, money and responsibility of raise a child?Can't nurture em, don't breed em. Besides- he will LOVE not wearing a condom!

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No, it's not wrong at adjectives. Birth Control does totally mess next to your body and it's completely pardonable that you don't want to use it.

Personally though, I am too terrified of getting pregnant to use in recent times one form of birth control. So I'm on the pill and he uses protection as economically.

But see - I'm a crazy paranoid creature. You're not. So I give attention to you should budge right ahead and do what works for you.

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I infer what you are adage. I chose to be in motion past its sell-by date because it made me sick, after 7 different birth control change I chose to travel beside the implanon. It's a form of birth control surrounded by your arm for 3 years. It's not wrong, only be aware that you can get hold of pregnant. All the best to you. :D


It's not "wrong" as long as you acknowledge within's a risk associated near one and only using one form of birth control.

Have you considered a non-hormonal birth control method resembling a diaphragm or an IUD? (If you're interested in using anything)

Birth control is the responsibility of both population - but if you both are aware near's still a opening you could become pregnant (despite his CF) consequently it's OK because it's what works for you. Should you ever be within another relationship, don't infer that's going to hold up :)

Also, why doesn't he go ahead and gain tested for his sperm count? That mode you'd know for sure.
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