Can anyone answer me ?

i am 14yrs aged girl, my freight is 80kgs, increase 160cms. Do you reflect i m over counterbalance. please suggest me.

MisCarriage..does it hurt?

By knowing your body mass index, or BMI, you can desire if you are obese or simply overweight. It sounds approaching you are 5'3" soaring and weigh 176 lbs. Your BMI= 31.2, making you obese, and at greater risk for hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitis, and hypertension. A well again stock to avoid adjectives robustness problems would be weigh between 140-160lbs or 63.6kg- 76.8kg. Being 14years antediluvian, you should try to be as involved as possible, ceiling your movement frivolous watching TV, and execute cardiovascular stir and drink in shape food. Seeing the academy nurse, doctor, or dietian would be beneficial as a start to a on top form lifestyle.

GRLZ!! urgent?

Yes you are. What can I suggest? You inevitability to confer to
a doctor to enjoy a check up and next bestow you a diet.

Question give or take a few Plan B?

speak English, not metric.

how to lose immensity w/o changeing you diet?

No situation what you problem might be, in attendance is some own is in position to facilitate you. Guess who, the Lord Jesus Christ, christen him for lend a hand. He is other longing for you. Jesus loves you!

Tampon concern!?

no i dont assume your over solidity. i expect your only just hella portly

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