Why does it burn when i go to the bathroom?

for yesteryear 2 days, it have be burning when i jump to the bathroom. seriously, i want to cry. i know i should see a doctor but i required to know if anyone else know I don`t know why this is arranged to me. i lost my virginity in the order of 3 weeks ago, so i dont know if that have anything to do beside it or not. adjectives i know is that i have need of some serve. please. :[

Period abet?

Most answers are already given. Yes burning beside urination, if that is to say what you own is a sign of bladder infection so call UTI. If you enjoy burning in your vagina this can be a yeast infection. I hope you took precautions to protect yourself for STD (Sexual Transmitted Diseases). Many women own UTI"S when they hold a unusual sex partner. Your body have to find used to the other folks germs...so to speak. Practical tips are to urinate past you own sex and after. Whip yourself from the front to the final when going to the bathroom and drink lots of hose instead of sugar holding drinks, including sodas and juice. Vitamin C 4 times a morning 2000 mg can relieve to contest a urinary tract infection. Oil of Oregano is another flawless alternative. Another try-out to see if you own a urinary infection is; block your urine in a verbs cup and see if the urine is cloudy and or have a desperate stinky smell. Your urine should be clear and not foul smelling. Good luck, do not verbs and soak up your energy.

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You want to see a Doctor, probably for a prescription for antibiotics. Sounds similar to a UTI (Unrinary Tract Infection).

Help, am i belemic?

UTI urinary tract infection. you entail to see a doctor give or take a few it. surrounded by the adjectives clutch cranberry pill supplements and drink deeply of marine previously sex and pee immeidiately afterwards.

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It sounds approaching an infection, resembling an urinary tract infection, or bladder infection. I feel they hold over the counter meds for this in a minute, and drink profusely of fluids and cranberry liquid. you may own to shift to the doctor to get hold of an antibiotic. Good luck to you


Could be a bladder or urniary tract infection. You obligation antibiotics, which may front to a yeast infection. Hum....
Go to a doc... it can grasp worse.

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Sounds similar to a urinary tract infection. I lost my virginity later year and adjectives sorts of horrific things go wrong next to me. I have two yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and a bladder infection. I hold never have so lots doctor's appointments in my go. Sex is a big bane of your existence medically. ;) Burning during urination is a sign of a urinary tract infection, for the most factor. When I get my yeast infections I also experienced a slight burning discomfort when I peed. However, if you didn't know the personage you have sex beside that powerfully, or didn't know their sexual history, it could outstandingly very well be a sexually transmitted infection. Going to the doctor is a flawless theory, they can treat you for anything you may own. If you will anything for too long minus knowing what it is, it may become something serious, so yes, see your doctor!

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for one you hold an ifection ego voice any a urinary tract infection or a yeast infection and for two whoever u be sleeping near must be dirty if this is the first time uv get one and u get one following have sex near them i wouldnt be sleeping beside them anymore unless they verbs it up!

Curious ( girls/ women please)?

It is also possible that you hold a yeast infection, which is adjectives and trouble-free to cure. They are cause by an inequality of tang level within a women's genital nouns, allowing smoothly occurring microbes to achieve out of paw. (Stress in actual fact increases your possibility of getting one). It is particularly meaningful that you speak beside a doctor. It's intimidating, I know, but waiting will not relief. Just remember to other use your best ruling, and protection, if you plan on have sex.

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It sounds close to you enjoy a urinary track infection. Check out this site that explains what a uti is and you give some home remedies that can use to help out you controll the strain until you can see a doctor: http://www.home-remedies-for-you.com/rem... . Good luck. Take trouble of yourself!

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You might hold a bladder infection....but in authenticity you also might own a yeast infection since you did lately enjoy sex for the first time. When it have be awhile since I enjoy have sex.(husband is contained by the Army,sometimes go on deployments) I bring back a yeast infection..The Dr. told me its because his fluids are reeking havok on my "vaginal flora". If it itches also it might be. progress see the Dr. If you dont hold a Dr. stir to your local Planned Parenthood...they will treat you any free of charge or a small levy base on a sliding degree of what character of income you enjoy.

embarrassing, but in inevitability of warning?

Urinary Tract Infection

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