What are some of the symptoms of peri-menopause? Is cycles getting shorter one of them?


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Because hormone level nose-dive, change go off contained by the entire womanly reproductive system. The potential symptoms include:
* Hot flashes and skin flushing
* Night sweats
* Insomnia
* Mood swings including irritability, depression, and anxiety
* Irregular menstrual periods
* Spotting of blood in between periods
* Vaginal dryness and uncomfortable sexual intercourse
* Decreased sex drive
* Vaginal infections
* Urinary tract infections

implantation bleeding?

yes, it to be sure can be. are you short temper lately? do you quality angry? short a physical sense? any dark sweats but? daytime time hot flashes?

ah yes, it get better (not really)

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Yes the cycles can get hold of shorter, longer, no period for months consequently 3 within one month, time remaining 2 days, extent enduring 13 days.
and adjectives of that surrounded by one middle aged momma.

Getting your tubes tied ??

Yes and the a lesser amount of children you enjoy the early you progress through menopause,,,

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