Heavy periods..Does anyone have anything perscribed for this?

If so...what?...I've hear you can rob something to lessen the blood flow....Is this risk-free and are in attendance any side effects?

Birth control next to no prescription?

There is something you can lift, the doctor prescribed it for my daughter but I can't remember for the go of me what it be call. There be two different lots of tablets, one lot to be taken when the interval started, the other to start on daytime three or four. They did lessen the blood flow considerably and she be contained by abundantly smaller quantity torment as a consequence. I construe one might enjoy be call Methomanic Acid. Anyway ask your doctor as they will know. My daughter have no side effects at adjectives. Good luck x x

What Is A 12 Year Old's Requirement !!?

you can progress on birth control which lessen the flow, reduce cramps, and help acne

One closing cross-examine??/?

I take- I be a sign of my friend take Lydia Pinkham, they own it over-counter no prescription needed. Plus it works for menopause.

Does anyone know if you can use a vibrator when you own an IUD within place?

The Pill..

Very tender?

my step sister took birth control pills for that
(there is other a risk of side effects)

Dry sex orgasm alike as intercourse orgasm?

birth control..it isnt of late for the regular...Birth control..it can give support to releave cramps and shorten your period

My friends breath other stink?

Birth control is one of the best remedies. Depo Provera, the pill, etc...speak to an OB/GYN first logically.

Can U still ovulate near out a spell?

Tumors can motivation indigestible flow...so can thyroid problems (which can head to more complications if gone untreated). You should see your gyno.

hi..its abt my small sis.?

Im not sure but I regard Raspberry tea might oblige.

Abnormal Mamagram?

try using some cocodamol pill it work.

Vaginal infection?

my doctor first prescibed mefanamic sharp, it slows down loss vastly promptly and surrounded by some cases stops it completely. i have no side effects from it and it stops the pmt headache too.
see your gp for a prescription as not available over the counter

Why do you enjoy to start birth control the sunday after your time of year?


explain period?

I enjoy pouring period & slightly raw, i thieve feminax which you can buy at the chemist & are specifically for time cramps, bar that see your G.P.

tampons or pad?? please back?

I know how you have a feeling i whip the contemporary mini pill cerazette it's fab since taking it i've have no period and no side effects it's defo worked for me but you should contact you gp for suggestion on what may suit you. Heavy period are something we no longer enjoy to live near!!

How can i do kegel exercise correctly and how normally do i requirement to do it?

It depends on the time of the year, I hear ashen tampons are mainly moral for sunny period.

How come after i do any sexual entertainment. (not neccessarily sex) i discern sick near guilt and i return with really moody?

the drug cyclokapron is prescribed for fatty period sometimes..except that a mirena coil can be fitted.your doctor can recommend you on these

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