Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i need back!!?

I didnt get my period for 1 and half months immediately. I had unprotected sex after my concluding period surrounded by may, but he didnt came inside me (unless he told me) I go to the doctor he took an urine test and he said possibly my ovaries are damaged because of my low body immensity, so he is doing a hormone test for that. My urine be a dark sickly in color, does it have anything to do with pregnancy? The nurse asked me if i be married or had a relationship near a guy? Why? am i pregnant? please help me.i dont want want my parents to know just about it, what should I do? and i dont want to abort the baby if im pregnant...

Ok capably i was purely wondering when do YOU think the best age is for sex? thankksss xxxx?

If you hold to ask about your urine and the color in relation to pregnancy, its obvious your opening to immature to enjoy a baby.

If you be pregnant, they would have told you on the spot because you did a assessment right?
And yes your parents will find out because it will be on their insurance bill.


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dkk sryy.

Can anyone help me please I am confused?

The color of your urine may be due to dehydration. You may be pregnant, but don't frenzy...go embezzle a test 5 days beforehand your "future period".

How can i take fat?

The grey yellow urine method you are not drinking enough fluids. You are dehyrdrated plus they told you you are underweight so you are not wholesome. They would have told you if you be pregnant. From here on in no sex until you are all set to have a tot as no birth control method is 100% and this could easily ensue again. You don't seem to enjoy a plan in place so stop have sex until you are mature satisfactory to deal next to things like this.

Question going on for my weight..?

I would pilfer a home pregnancy test to gain a proper answer to whether or not your pregnant. You can always pass the baby up for adoption.

My extent is late and i enjoy never missed a period and i own never been more than 2 days unpunctually.?

Start by telling your parents. As impossible as it may seem, surrounded by the end, they will other be there for you. Your BF may enjoy lied to you. Never trust him, if you are not sure he did come inside you. TELL YOUR PARENTS!!

HELP!! After sex my man went to remove the condom and it be GONE! What should I do?

ok just keep on and see what the doctor says bleak urine is usually from not drinking enough marine and for gods sake enjoy protected sex and you will not have to verbs again

Why male and womanly mosquetoes feeding conduct are different?

well first, why didn't you have them cart a pregnancy test? Second, travel to the pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test. Third, unprotected sex can do worse things than pregnancy-ever hear of std's? And even if he didn't "go" inside you, there is such entry as pre-ejaculation and that can still get you pregnant.

washed out (dark) urine ususally means you are dried up. The lighter the color, the more hydrated you are.

When you go to the doctor, they other ask you if you are in a relationship and how copious partners you have/had. (at the reg doctor and obgyn).

But since you said the doctor did a urine exam, they should screen for pregnancy...I would ask though to be sure.

And stop have unprotected sex! And it seems you are on the younger side, so stop have sex, period!! It's not worth it! Really. It isn't.

Are my body measurements okay?

You stipulation to discuss this with your boyfriend. Also their should be some websites to comfort your dilemma. Oh! If you are pregnant please don't do anything drastic. God made parents for a reason


Low body solidity can cause you to not hold periods, but if you are this worried, and if the results aren't going to be rear legs soon, go return with a home pregnancy test. They be probably just asking question, you can't tell by the color of your urine if you are pregnant, although that would be nice. Just try to stay silent, practice safe sex, and bring a pregnancy test. You can even do it surrounded by a store bathroom or something if you don' want your parents to know, but if they think you are pregnant, they will probably recount you soon. Hang in here and try to stay clam. Also, stress can also cause behind periods, another grounds to stay calm.

About yeast infections?

Maybe your ovaries are destabilized because of your low weight? If the doctor said that, perchance it's so, but that is a strange one on me.
Dark yellow urine might indicate a kidney or bladder infection, or that you're not drinking plenty water. I said MIGHT, so don't read into that that this is for sure.
They other want to know if you are sexually active. Don't read anything more into it than that.
You are below a doctor's care, so stir with that.
How can you leap all the agency from dark urine adjectives the way to abortion? Your imagination is running away near you. Stop that.

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