What is the point of dizzyness?

I am having dizzy since 6 weeks, did check up and adjectives the test, result typical, not pregnent, not anemeic, not high BP, please aid me it is killing me i cannot do anything i am lock up at home.


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Equilibrium is off, can be cause by ear infection, sinuses. Something in you sinuses wether it be your ear or not. But when you equilibrium is off it make you dizzy ask doctor to check for that. So most likely it's your ear.

Hope that help.

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Is it an inner ear infection?

Is this an unusal extent?

Have your ears checked. If you have an ear infection it can grounds dizzyiness.

This happened to me and contained by the end after visit a Eye, Ear and Throat specialist and found that I have Vertigo.

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What about low blood sugar?

Birth control..?

You have need of to see a cardiologist. You B/P maybe regular, as in a middle-of-the-road reading, but you may have a condition within which your blood pressure does not
return to normal nippy enough when you stand up from a stool, bed, floor. It can also happen when turning around at the double. This is know as postural hypotension (orthostatic hypotension).

I need to know something something like masturbating?

Low blood pressure can cause dizziness as powerfully as low blood sugar. Also extreme anxiety could cause it, it does within me anyway. Maybe you should visit a different doctor and win a second opinion.

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    Help please girls! :(?


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